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Xbox One

Creator: Searz May 21, 2013 1:39pm
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ShiftyCake's Forum Avatar
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Mar 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 13, 2013 6:05pm | Report
Wow, I was going to reply to searz, but it seems my sleeping period is everyone's madly rushing to post period. Just two things, sorry.

First, Kinect can be turned off. Yes, for games, for everything. Totally turned off. As I stated, that is what I assumed they were going to change it to do. I may not have all the information, but I tried to look it up.

Now Searz, I live in Australia.
I pay for my games at the $120 price in the store when they release, though I usually pay $140 for the limited edition. Because I like supporting the developers, and collecting games.
Now, let's consider this. If the games are much cheaper on Steam, and you get 20% extra profit for the developers, aren't they still earning less?
But the developers were not my point.
The gaming shops were. As I previously stated, I have one left. That means if EB Games dies out, I literally have no choice but to buy games online.
There's a couple of reasons that pisses me off.
One, people under the age of 16 can't buy games online themselves. You ever stopped to consider the people younger then you?
Two, I like physical copy's. I hate waiting for games. Combine the two, I'd much rather go to a store.

Anyways, I've talked too much. I don't want to prolong the argument anymore, so I won't reply to your next comment Searz.

and @lifebaka it's a plausible theory. I don't really see the Xbox dying out, they ARE taking what we're saying into consideration. Companies make mistakes, it's whether or not they try to fix them that decides it.
thanks Hogopogo for the banner :D
<Ancient Member>
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2013 1:49am | Report
ShiftyCake wrote:

Now Searz, I live in Australia.
I pay for my games at the $120 price in the store when they release, though I usually pay $140 for the limited edition. Because I like supporting the developers, and collecting games.
Now, let's consider this. If the games are much cheaper on Steam, and you get 20% extra profit for the developers, aren't they still earning less?
But the developers were not my point.
The gaming shops were. As I previously stated, I have one left. That means if EB Games dies out, I literally have no choice but to buy games online.
There's a couple of reasons that pisses me off.

Whoa, I was totally expecting you to be a douche who didn't care for those in less fortunate positions. I guess I was wrong in thinking that.

No, they're earning more in general on digital services like Steam. Even if they make slightly less per purchase, more people are buying the games because they're cheaper.
I think a fair assumption is that when a game gets sold digitally for 60$, then the devs/pubs make close to double the amount of money compared to a physical copy. So they could probably sell the game for 30-40$ and make the same amount of money.
Your old brick and mortar stores are dying out for good reasons. Digital is just an overall better distribution method than spending tons of money and resources on physically sending the games all around the world.

I sense some weariness about change. Don't be hostile towards change. You should give it a try before dissing it like that.
Good Old Games is a good place to start. They provide all games completely DRM-free. You can do whatever you want with the game files; burn them on a CD even! :D
They release mainly older games and indie games, but there are the occasional big new titles on there too. (like The Witcher 1, 2 and soon-ish 3)
Check out the currently ongoing sale:
Painkiller Black Edition, Book of Unwritten Tales and Spellforce 2 are worth having a look at.
One, people under the age of 16 can't buy games online themselves. You ever stopped to consider the people younger then you?

I had parents whose creditcard I could borrow when I was little, but I do realize that not everyone has this, and that is a problem.
Still, the advantages of digital distribution still heavily outweighs the problems.
Two, I like physical copy's. I hate waiting for games. Combine the two, I'd much rather go to a store.

And if you hate waiting for games, wouldn't you logically want to buy your game online? Because that's faster 90% of the time if you have an even remotely decent connection. (I can't say I know anything about the connection speeds of Australia though)

ShiftyCake's Forum Avatar
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Mar 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2013 5:57am | Report
Searz wrote:

Whoa, I was totally expecting you to be a douche who didn't care for those in less fortunate positions. I guess I was wrong in thinking that.

No, they're earning more in general on digital services like Steam. Even if they make slightly less per purchase, more people are buying the games because they're cheaper.
I think a fair assumption is that when a game gets sold digitally for 60$, then the devs/pubs make close to double the amount of money compared to a physical copy. So they could probably sell the game for 30-40$ and make the same amount of money.
Your old brick and mortar stores are dying out for good reasons. Digital is just an overall better distribution method than spending tons of money and resources on physically sending the games all around the world.

I sense some weariness about change. Don't be hostile towards change. You should give it a try before dissing it like that.
Good Old Games is a good place to start. They provide all games completely DRM-free. You can do whatever you want with the game files; burn them on a CD even! :D
They release mainly older games and indie games, but there are the occasional big new titles on there too. (like The Witcher 1, 2 and soon-ish 3)
Check out the currently ongoing sale:
Painkiller Black Edition, Book of Unwritten Tales and Spellforce 2 are worth having a look at.

I had parents whose creditcard I could borrow when I was little, but I do realize that not everyone has this, and that is a problem.
Still, the advantages of digital distribution still heavily outweighs the problems.

And if you hate waiting for games, wouldn't you logically want to buy your game online? Because that's faster 90% of the time if you have an even remotely decent connection. (I can't say I know anything about the connection speeds of Australia though)

I do buy games off steam and that etc. I actually do both, I'm an avid Xbox player as well as pc, so I buy my pc games through places such as steam and my xbox games through the store. Though I talk about support, I am a horrendous supporter of the anime community; even though I spam watch a lot of anime. Haven't donated a cent.

And I meant, in my last statement, that I like the actual physical game and its case. It's just a personal thing, but it's faster to get it through a store then online.

I know the advantages outweigh the negatives, but I still don't want digital to take over completely.

I said I wouldn't reply, but this became a normal discussion so I didn't mind :)

EDIT: Although, I'll have a good look at that link. I'm a notorious buy it cause I saw it gamer. I really need to start spending less on my games :/
thanks Hogopogo for the banner :D
<Ancient Member>
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2013 7:25am | Report
ShiftyCake wrote:

but it's faster to get it through a store then online.

Depends on a bunch of variables :P
Mainly internet speed, distance to store and mode of transportation.
Although, I'll have a good look at that link. I'm a notorious buy it cause I saw it gamer. I really need to start spending less on my games :/

If there's anything you should be spending money on it's GOG. They're the second largest online retailer right now with roughly 10% of the market share (Steam is at like 80%, lol).
If GOG keeps growing we might even see larger AAA titles get published there without DRM, and after catastrophes like Sim City I think we can all agree that we need less DRM in this market.
""Toshabi took thy **** and strucketh Hotshot in his face 'thou art no god'" Toshabi 3:16" - Toshabi

"And then, TheJohn said something so Brazilian that it made all the Brazilians in Brazil turn to look at him" - Toshabi

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Thalia Kael
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2013 10:31am | Report
I think when he means to get it online he means like ordering it online. I could be mistaken though.
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ShiftyCake's Forum Avatar
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Mar 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2013 7:59pm | Report

I think when he means to get it online he means like ordering it online. I could be mistaken though.

no, you're right, sorry if I didn't make it clear; I like an actual copy in my hand. A lot of people are still like me, preferring a physical copy we can collect/store without worry.
thanks Hogopogo for the banner :D
Jun 13th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2013 8:48pm | Report

im just saying let people enjoy what they want to enjoy... except for xbox one cause that's a scam :<

xbox one is not a scam, people just dont understand it. everyone always whines about changes.

now: You cant trade digital games? thats normal.

now: ps4 requires a subscription? thats normal.

when ps5 launches and does the same thing: thats normal.

when ps5 launches and does the same thing: thats normal.

sony is bad as well. they **** on their costumers all the time. theyre just using microsofts decisions to boost their sales and once the hate dies out theyll do exactly the same thing.
DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2013 9:45pm | Report
i like how you said ps5, the ps5 isnt a thing and the ps4 only makes you pay a FIVE DOLLAR subscription if i remember correctly, and xbox live costs more, plus sony giving free online was making them lose money and its long overdue that they let people pay for the online

of course in the time the ps5 comes out im sure everything will be digital so itll be NORMAL at the time the ps5 comes out (which should be out of the question itll be another 7 years at least for the next generation)
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
ShiftyCake's Forum Avatar
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Mar 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 16, 2013 12:37am | Report
DillButt64 wrote:

i like how you said ps5, the ps5 isnt a thing and the ps4 only makes you pay a FIVE DOLLAR subscription if i remember correctly, and xbox live costs more, plus sony giving free online was making them lose money and its long overdue that they let people pay for the online

of course in the time the ps5 comes out im sure everything will be digital so itll be NORMAL at the time the ps5 comes out (which should be out of the question itll be another 7 years at least for the next generation)

I like how you miss the point entirely. He was talking about in the future, not now for the ps5. Making a point about sony doing things after the hate dies out, like subscription.

And, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but Sony wasn't losing money over not having a subscription. If you truly believe that, then you don't understand how big companies work. They may have losses, but they're not losing money. You may get posts about money loss, sony may say they are losing money but trust me; if they really were, you wouldn't be seeing this new console.

Now, after the E3 conference, it can be seen that while you still do have to pay a lot more for Xbox live, it has many more advantages.

Both consoles have faults, it's simply preference. I prefer xbox, you prefer playstation. If you actually believe one is better then the other, you just become another fanboy.
thanks Hogopogo for the banner :D
caucheka's Forum Avatar
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 16, 2013 1:06am | Report
how does xbox live have more advantages than ps+?
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