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Xbox One

Creator: Searz May 21, 2013 1:39pm
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 16, 2013 3:13am | Report
ShiftyCake wrote:

Both consoles have faults, it's simply preference. I prefer xbox, you prefer playstation. If you actually believe one is better then the other, you just become another fanboy.

I'm pretty sure I won't buy either of them as I'm a PC gamer, so I'm coming at this from a neutral standpoint and I'm pretty sure the PS4 is objectively better than the Xbox One for a gamer. Not subjectively, OBJECTIVELY.
Both obviously have good things and bad things, but looking at things objectively it's obvious that Xbox One has made a bunch of sacrifices in functionality for the average gamer to appease the publishers and to appeal to a wider audience.

The only reason you like the Xbox more is because you have a bias, something I do not.
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Mar 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 16, 2013 4:21am | Report
Searz wrote:

I'm pretty sure I won't buy either of them as I'm a PC gamer, so I'm coming at this from a neutral standpoint and I'm pretty sure the PS4 is objectively better than the Xbox One for a gamer. Not subjectively, OBJECTIVELY.
Both obviously have good things and bad things, but looking at things objectively it's obvious that Xbox One has made a bunch of sacrifices in functionality for the average gamer to appease the publishers and to appeal to a wider audience.

The only reason you like the Xbox more is because you have a bias, something I do not.

I play PC as well, in fact I haven't touched my xbox in months.
PS4 is not better, but they have capitalized on Microsoft's mistakes to degrade their system even further, and give the appearance of their own being better.

The only thing that I truly cannot stand with XboxOne is the fact that it requires you to be online. There are reasons for it, but they are selfish ones aimed at monopolizing their games rather then appealing to the community; and even those aren't needed. For example, if you could go offline then you could install another person's xbox game without worry.
Yet, you can just check when the person goes online whether he has a copy he should not. This still bars the people who play the illegal game from most of the features and so, if they like it, they'll buy a version themselves (or pay the money to have a second-hand copy). Which is basically the same system as the Xbox 360, better even since they don't get the entire game without worry. Now there is an assentive besides wanting to own the game.

There are plenty of ways to get around the offline issues, but it's as if they're avoiding the issue entirely. It really annoys me.

So while PS4 is not better, it is true that Xbox's unnecessary online-only will dissuade a lot of their market from buying it.
thanks Hogopogo for the banner :D
Darcurse's Forum Avatar
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Nov 2nd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 16, 2013 4:46am | Report
Did he just really made one hell of a statement AGAINST XboxOne and still state that it is better than PS4 no matter what while giving NO argument that could support that at all?

Fanboys... you can't argue with them, but without them an argument would be solved too quickly.
IAmYourDogLoL's Forum Avatar
Jun 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 16, 2013 6:25am | Report
Apparently you need to be connected to Internet at least once every day for your games to work ;s?

I also heard on a that you have to keep turning the xbox up and down otherwise problems arise in the disc drive o.O?
Jun 13th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 16, 2013 8:54am | Report
Searz wrote:

I'm pretty sure I won't buy either of them as I'm a PC gamer, so I'm coming at this from a neutral standpoint and I'm pretty sure the PS4 is objectively better than the Xbox One for a gamer. Not subjectively, OBJECTIVELY.

sure searz, sure.

a console is only as good as its games. you cant be objective when the determining factor for a console is the exclusives.
Thalia Kael
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 16, 2013 10:24am | Report
Saw a comment on youtube and it sounds like a good idea :

When you go on vacation or temporarily dont have an internet connection, you can use your phone as a wifi hotspot just to authenticate the xbone and then turn the phone wifi off

Still it's garbage and I don't understand why they would even implement the need to be online to play. Does it help microsoft in some way?
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<Altruistic Artist>
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May 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 16, 2013 10:39am | Report

sure searz, sure.

a console is only as good as its games. you cant be objective when the determining factor for a console is the exclusives.

First of all no one takes a point of view seriously when it starts with "LOOOOOOL".

But you had to make it even worse when you said exclusive games decide whether a console is good or not.

Still, I'm gonna play your little game and show you that PS exclusives outshine Xbox exclusives is most of the aspects:

Good well known Xbox exclusive franchise: Halo, Gears of War, Fable, Forza Motorsports, and few other titles that never made a strong impression.

Good well known PS exclusive franchise: Disgaea, Final Fantasy (except FF14,rumor says Xbox will have it), God of War, Gran Turismo, Heavy Rain, Infamous, Killzone, Little Big Planet, Motorstorm, PixelJunk, Ratchet & Clank, Resistance, SingStar, SOCOM, The Last of US, Uncharted, Yakuza, Dust 514, Sly Collection, Wipeout HD, and more.

Do your maths.
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Dec 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 16, 2013 11:25am | Report
YayaFTW wrote:

Good well known Xbox exclusive franchise: Halo, Gears of War, Fable, Forza Motorsports, and few other titles that never made a strong impression.

Good well known PS exclusive franchise: Disgaea, Final Fantasy (except FF14,rumor says Xbox will have it), God of War, Gran Turismo, Heavy Rain, Infamous, Killzone, Little Big Planet, Motorstorm, PixelJunk, Ratchet & Clank, Resistance, SingStar, SOCOM, The Last of US, Uncharted, Yakuza, Dust 514, Sly Collection, Wipeout HD, and more.

I assume you're using the term "exclusive" to mean any title that doesn't appear on the competitor's consoles. Several of those Sony exclusives have appeared on PC, as have several of those Xbox exclusives.

Also, for the sake of completeness, you ought to include new IPs for both consoles, as if those new IPs are good they could be major system-sellers. The Xbox's list should include Titanfall (even though it'll also be on PC), World of Tanks, and the Xbox Live Arcade in general. Sony's list could include Warframe, as well; I know there are others, but I can't be bothered to look them up.

I also feel like your Sony list is a touch bloated. While all of those titles might be console-exclusive to Sony systems, they're not all truly major IPs. I think you've got a touch of bias on this.

Besides, the argument about which system will have better games is irrelevant to which system is itself better. A bad system can have good games, and a good system can have bad games. The quality of the games, exclusive or not, isn't the same as the quality of the system. It has something to do with how the system sells, of course, but the system that sells the most isn't the same as the best system. (See: the Wii, Christmas 2006 through mid 2007.)

Looking at the system specs, the PS4 comes out ahead; it's a slightly more powerful system. Looking at online features, the PS4 comes out ahead; it doesn't require a connection to work but offers basically the same online features otherwise, except cheaper and with fewer features behind the paywall. Looking at price, the PS4 comes out ahead; it's cheaper. Taken together, the PS4 is clearly a better system, in and of itself.

If we're trying to talk about which system is better, fine, let's talk about which system is better. But please remember that the games aren't the system.

Saw a comment on youtube and it sounds like a good idea :

When you go on vacation or temporarily dont have an internet connection, you can use your phone as a wifi hotspot just to authenticate the xbone and then turn the phone wifi off

Because everyone has a smartphone that can be used to make wifi hotspots. And phone-based wifi hotspots obviously provide a stable enough connection for Microsoft's servers to authenticate an Xbone.

Just because an end run around the problem is possible doesn't mean that the problem doesn't exist. The Xbone's once-a-day-checkin requirement is still stupid.
OTGBionicArm wrote: Armored wimminz = badass.

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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 16, 2013 12:15pm | Report
ShiftyCake wrote:

So while PS4 is not better, it is true that Xbox's unnecessary online-only will dissuade a lot of their market from buying it.

Your line of reasoning makes no sense at all. Please don't use improper logic.
Darcurse wrote:

Did he just really made one hell of a statement AGAINST XboxOne and still state that it is better than PS4 no matter what while giving NO argument that could support that at all?

Yes, yes he did..

Still it's garbage and I don't understand why they would even implement the need to be online to play. Does it help microsoft in some way?

Yes it does. It's for authentication(DRM). An anti-piracy measure.
lifebaka wrote:

Besides, the argument about which system will have better games is irrelevant to which system is itself better. A bad system can have good games, and a good system can have bad games. The quality of the games, exclusive or not, isn't the same as the quality of the system. It has something to do with how the system sells, of course, but the system that sells the most isn't the same as the best system. (See: the Wii, Christmas 2006 through mid 2007.)

Looking at the system specs, the PS4 comes out ahead; it's a slightly more powerful system. Looking at online features, the PS4 comes out ahead; it doesn't require a connection to work but offers basically the same online features otherwise, except cheaper and with fewer features behind the paywall. Looking at price, the PS4 comes out ahead; it's cheaper. Taken together, the PS4 is clearly a better system, in and of itself.

If we're trying to talk about which system is better, fine, let's talk about which system is better. But please remember that the games aren't the system.

The PS4 is an objectively better system for gamers.
lifebaka wrote:

I also feel like [YayaFTW's] Sony list is a touch bloated. While all of those titles might be console-exclusive to Sony systems, they're not all truly major IPs. I think you've got a touch of bias on this.

"If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford

"I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Stephen F Roberts
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May 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 16, 2013 1:30pm | Report
lifebaka wrote:

I also feel like your Sony list is a touch bloated. While all of those titles might be console-exclusive to Sony systems, they're not all truly major IPs. I think you've got a touch of bias on this.

Hmm come to think of it...yeah sorry about that :P It's just that I played and enjoyed most of the PS exclusives. You might wanna remove, like specific audience games such as SingStar or Socom. But I still believe that PS stands out in terms of exclusive game quality against Xbox, which has only Halo and Forza to be proud of honestly.

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