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TFT random ideas for future development

Creator: dan4ielo July 20, 2019 5:28am
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Jun 6th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 20, 2019 5:28am | Report
Dear Riot xD,

Here is an idea that you could implement in future patches of the TFT game mode. When spectating the rest of the players in the game to have your avatar/pet appear as a ghost. For example, it would be flying around, and you will be able to cross over the different islands or use teleportation of some sort, but this might be a lot of work xD. It can also be toggle bassed if the other players want to see you or not.

Hope you like it and have a great day xD

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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 20, 2019 10:16am | Report
First of all, This isn't riot's official website, you're at the wrong site my buddy. Mobafire is a place for guides, not for updating the current client for the game or TFT.

here you can find the actual website that you're looking for.

Have a good day :)
Thanks to jhoijhoi for the sig!

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