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Aurelion Sol

Creator: Janitsu March 26, 2016 5:43am
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Aurelion Sol...
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2016 5:43am | Report
Aurelion Sol

How do you people play him?

I have tried him on mid lane as well as jungle, and I can't deny the fact that his laning is really weak compared to his jungling. He can't really harass properly, melees counter him and any hard CC really wrecks his DPS up. In the jungle, however, he has decent to good clear, great ganking potential and he can level up and scale pretty safely. His Singularity allows him to use Breath of Light for a HUGE stunning explosion (½ of the bot lane's width if you come from the max range with it) and it is really great for setting up ganks.

How do you people build him?

I don't really know about the midlane having played so little with him there. Jungle, however, I think has some sort of a core build.

Tracker's Knife - Runic Echoes --> Rod of Ages --> Mercury's Treads --> Rylai's Crystal Scepter

After which you usually decide what your team needs in that game (more survivability/utility/damage)

What about the skill build?

I think maxing Breath of Light is the way to go, since it is your main CC and it increases the CC and decreases the CD, therefore making it a great choice. Astral Flight is another ability some people max first, but I think you'll only allow enemies to get on you easier by doing it. The damage increase isn't really that good anyways compared to the damage and CC from Breath of Light and you'll always have Cosmic Creator on as long as you dodge the CC.

What are your thoughts on him?

Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2016 6:06am | Report
i just want to see the answers dont hit me
TheSilverDust's Forum Avatar
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Jan 28th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2016 6:10am | Report
I may see him fare well in jungle more than in lane, because of his passive. I do not know though, for I haven't purchased him.
Sig made by me!
Roguish Bard
Roguish Bard's Forum Avatar
Feb 11th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2016 6:44am | Report
I played him in both roles and I think he's better mid.

Mid lane Pros n Cons:

Amazing waveclear
Decent harass and zoning with W
Strong roaming with E+Q
Self Peel with R

No Mobility
Doesn't Scale that well

Jungle pros n Cons:

Actually able to jungle!111!1
Decent clear speed
Great ganks (Much like from mid lane)

Awkward kiting mechanics to fully utilize passive/W
Squishy *** jungler with no defense against invasion other than his Q+R (also insanely blue dependent as all APs typically are)
Unable to solo objectives such as Dragon easily
Sol ganks are seemingly much more predictable when he is the jungler than when he is in mid lane (Possibly just from my observation)

I personally think his strengths are best suited for mid and his flaws are less noticeable there.
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2016 7:53am | Report
I played him in both roles and I think he's better mid.

Mid lane Pros n Cons:

Amazing waveclear
Decent harass and zoning with W
Strong roaming with E+Q
Self Peel with R

No Mobility
Doesn't Scale that well

Jungle pros n Cons:

Actually able to jungle!111!1
Decent clear speed
Great ganks (Much like from mid lane)

Awkward kiting mechanics to fully utilize passive/W
Squishy *** jungler with no defense against invasion other than his Q+R (also insanely blue dependent as all APs typically are)
Unable to solo objectives such as Dragon easily
Sol ganks are seemingly much more predictable when he is the jungler than when he is in mid lane (Possibly just from my observation)

I personally think his strengths are best suited for mid and his flaws are less noticeable there.

Thanks for the input, but I'd like to ask some questions:

First and foremost; why do you think his waveclear is amazing? You need to either use a ton of mana and your only ability to keep you safe apart from your R or position yourself so that your stars can hit the minions. I'd say it is decent at best.

I'd also like your opinions about his lacking chances against anyone who is a melee assassin. He can't deal damage to targets that are close ( Breath of Light can't be detonated instantly, Cosmic Creator only hits targets that are far enough).

Your jungle Aurelion Sol cons are also a bit... umm, generalizing? His kiting isn't really that awkward once you get used to it. Almost every jungler is susceptible to invaders, apart from the likes of Fizz and Lee Sin. Tanky junglers are really weak in the early game against invades as well as the squishy ones. Strength of the Ages also fixes this problem partly.

I agree, he can't really solo well. And I'd say that the ganking part is really dependent on how the Aurelion Sol plays. As a mid, I'd just warn people when he leaves and has Singularity up. That way they can just play safe or if they have wards, prevent the flying dragon. From the jungle, however, they can't really see him coming at them without wards (so he is more of an element of surprise) and they can't easily be warned about him thus making his presence really effective.

Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
Roguish Bard
Roguish Bard's Forum Avatar
Feb 11th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2016 8:31am | Report
I use the word amazing because he has a very low cooldown and cost AoE (Q), and he just kind of passively does it to melee creeps. (assuming you are nearby) The W seemingly clears waves easily without much mana consumption. Obviously a blue buff bolsters this.

I have only fought a few enemies with him so far; Varus at mid, which was very easy, and Kha'Zix as a jungler, which was an absolute pain for the reasons you listed. He avoided my abilties very easily and simply hunted me in the jungle.

For reference;

My Mid runes/masteries:
9 Mpen, 9 Scaling health, 9 MR, 3 AP
12/18/0 (Tlords)

9 AS, 9 Armor, 9 scaling AP, 3 AP
0/12/18 (SotA)
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2016 9:55am | Report
I use the word amazing because he has a very low cooldown and cost AoE (Q), and he just kind of passively does it to melee creeps. (assuming you are nearby) The W seemingly clears waves easily without much mana consumption. Obviously a blue buff bolsters this.

I have only fought a few enemies with him so far; Varus at mid, which was very easy, and Kha'Zix as a jungler, which was an absolute pain for the reasons you listed. He avoided my abilties very easily and simply hunted me in the jungle.

For reference;

My Mid runes/masteries:
9 Mpen, 9 Scaling health, 9 MR, 3 AP
12/18/0 (Tlords)

9 AS, 9 Armor, 9 scaling AP, 3 AP
0/12/18 (SotA)

Yes, you could say that his waveclear is pretty good IF you use Breath of Light, but as I played him mid, I was too scared to use it (because it is really your only way to have true pressure on the lane).

I use almost the same runes for him at mid ( Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power instead of MR though)

In jungle, I use 9 AS, 9 Armor, 9 AP and 1 AS/2 AP and I find them to be the best combination so far.

Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2016 10:08am | Report
He can be used fairly well with Q to harass the enemy laner, depending whether they have linear cc or not, but I do believe he's weak-ish midlane due to waveclear issues and range issues.

Sarixis's Forum Avatar
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Jun 8th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2016 11:09am | Report
From my brief experience with him he seems to share similar problems that Swain has, namely medium range at most and waveclear problems. Even without the lower half of his body he still has a pretty big hurtbox too so it's harder to dodge poke.
SpawnOfHell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 28, 2016 10:09am | Report
His laning feels super ****ty tbh. His Breath of Light is extremely telegraphed and most players with a brain will either sidestep it or have dropped all their harass by the time you land it since you have to walk up to them to get more range. Even when I land the ability I feel like I should have some kind of super awesome follow-up but all I get is "boop, boop" for a tiny bit of their health bar. Not to mention it has a 10s static cooldown on a champion that kinda has to rush Rod of Ages in lane instead of CDR so if you ever use it to waveclear or miss it then you will be punished to hell and back.

Jungle is his redeeming point because his clear isn't bad and you can set up Breath of Light from crazy angles and you have a laner to follow up on the stun. His kit really feels like it was designed for roaming. To me he seems like a standard tanky mage with a strong mid-game and falls off a bit late because it's too risky to go glass cannon.

Some builds that I've seen work on him:

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