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Ekko: Runes, Masteries, and, Build Ideas.

Creator: The Giratina May 14, 2015 8:46am
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The Giratina
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Dec 17th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 14, 2015 8:46am | Report
Note:These builds are NOT set in stone. You can edit these builds to your liking. Maybe you want more armor so you go 9 armor instead of my mix or you like Rod on Him (which personally I don't like) so feel free to change it up.

So they recently released Ekko's Stats and Abilites which you can see here
So looking at them, I've come to some ideas of what his runes and masteries.
Reds: 9x Magic Pen
Yellows: 4 Flat Armor, 5 Flat hp
Blues: 9 Scaling MR
Quints: 3 MoveSpeed or AP

Im split between 21/9/0 and 21/0/9 but I'm leaning to 21/9/0 for the "extra" defense but the 21/0/9 could be a good one to go with as well.

Start: Ring + 2 HP pots or Flask if you started just playing Ekko.
Core: Sorc Shoes, Ludens, Lich Bane
For the rest of the items, I've been conflicted with them.
I know that we could go the regular RabCap, Void, Zhonyas, and thats what I'm leaning twords to with the crazy scaling on his ult (500 base with 1.3 AP? Daaaaaaaaaaaamn)
So until I get more info about it, thats the build I would stick with. So what your your thoughts on this?

EDIT (5/29/15 update): So I found out that I had gotten an account on PBE (On May 5 ( ._.) ) and was able to experiment with my build. It worked fairly well, but I had discovered another build for him with a hybrid build. I haven't gotten the specifics for it and I'm still asking around but from the information so far The build looks like:

Same runes as above until information is gathered

21/0/9 With taking Fury instead of CDR

Start: Dorans + Cookies
Core: Nashors, Sorcs, Gunblade
Next youll want to get Zhonyas then 2 other items. There is a lot of speculation of that those are tiems are but I usual finsih the build as ap

Edit numero 2:
Jungle Ekko. Woooo. there is a lot of speculation on what his build paths have been but Im putting what Ive had the most sucess with:
AS reds
Armor Yel
mr lvl blues ( or 6 cdr)
Ap quints

21/9/0 taking Rough and Bladed with recovery

Start Hunters 2 pots
Grab a trailblazer and some boots
Now switch trailblazer for Skrim. Ive had better success with Red than Blue but its honestly your choice
Main Core: Skrim Mag, Lich, Zhonyas
Then its all just ap Ekko. Honestly I dont like Rod on Ekko and full ap is really op in a duel with his ult burst. Tell me what you think!

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gerbit's Forum Avatar
May 15th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2015 2:58am | Report
My ideas:

Reds: 9x Magic Pen
Yellow: 9x Flat Armor (or your mix)
Blue: Scaling Cdr
Quitns: Flat AP

Masteries: I think 21|9|0 could be a bit better, but that's just based on my playstyle.

Start: flask+3pots (he has some mana problems)
Core: Morello, Sorc Sheos, Lich Bane
You aim for the 40% Cdr at lv 18, i guess, becuase that way you can get in, pop someone and get out (fizz style).
His ratios are huge, so at this point I'd get the most ap i can, so like Deathcap, Zhonya's and Void Staff. Lots of people talk about luden's... I think it's a nice item, and it has synergies with his kit, but I think that other items are more important. Maybe Morello could be questionable, but it gets you to that 40% and gives some mana regen, which you wouldn't have otherwise.
FantasySniper's Forum Avatar
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Dec 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 25, 2015 8:33pm | Report
Nashor's Tooth looks like a good item on him. He gets DPS so he doesn't have to use his abilities on waveclear, and it keeps up the damage if his initial burst doesn't work.

Liandry's Torment sounds weird, but considering the nature of his [Q], it could definitely be a good item for softening them up.
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 25, 2015 9:42pm | Report
nashors tooth isnt good on him, he already bursts people fast enough plus his abilities apply his passive so theres no reason to build AS on him

going sorc boots, echo, lich bane, hourglass, void, deathcap is good enough, maybe getting a GA if you need it
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Dec 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 31, 2015 3:30am | Report
DillButt64 wrote:
nashors tooth isnt good on him, he already bursts people fast enough plus his abilities apply his passive so theres no reason to build AS on him

Not the innate, his Parallel Convergence passive. It makes waveclear a breeze, and the length of his stun gives a long time to whack away. There's also CDR on it that he otherwise rarely fits into his build.
I wouldn't rush it even as a second item, but it definitely is viable on him.
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 31, 2015 4:00am | Report
I don't think Lich Bane should be core. It just seems so useless on him considering that he does exactly one burst while Lich Bane is good for those who can easily proc it and actually use the auto attack ( Ekko needs E to do this and using it to deal sustained damage will outposition you frequently).
Quite Nomible
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Apr 27th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 31, 2015 12:17pm | Report
Janitsu wrote:
I don't think Lich Bane should be core. It just seems so useless on him considering that he does exactly one burst while Lich Bane is good for those who can easily proc it and actually use the auto attack ( Ekko needs E to do this and using it to deal sustained damage will outposition you frequently).

I agree he doesn't proc Lich Bane as often like Fizz does for example, but it does add some surprising extra burst if you use it with your passive. That's why I would build it on him.

About the outpositioning part, I dunno. There are lots of other ways to get out of some nasty situations as well with Ekko, even if you're going to use E to just jump someone. I find his Q + passive to be very reliable to get out of a nasty situation as well (you get 80% MS and they get a 80% slow + another slow, that's pretty huge) and your ult is pretty much guaranteed safety if you have it at the right position.
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Aug 3rd, 2012
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Not the innate, his Parallel Convergence passive. It makes waveclear a breeze, and the length of his stun gives a long time to whack away. There's also CDR on it that he otherwise rarely fits into his build.
I wouldn't rush it even as a second item, but it definitely is viable on him.

think of his W's passive like you would pantheons crit at under 15% hp passive, you should only need to proc it once on a target
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FantasySniper's Forum Avatar
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Dec 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 31, 2015 10:48pm | Report
DillButt64 wrote:

think of his W's passive like you would pantheons crit at under 15% hp passive, you should only need to proc it once on a target

Except that Spear Shot does insane damage only once, doesn't scale off of AS, and costs mana.

Proc'ing the missing health damage several times makes it potent for finishing off opponents. He can build plenty of AP late game, so it deals hefty damage more than once per second.
It let me win several fights I couldn't have when the enemy had caught me off-gaurd or was waiting on a second combo of spells to finish them off.
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Jimmydoggga 2.0
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 1, 2015 2:28am | Report
I would actually go for Blade of the Ruined King if you're honestly trying to stack with ahistorical W passive, regardless of the build.

Basically MOBAFire.
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