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How would you build a LeBlanc is top lane?

Creator: albableat May 20, 2012 11:48am
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albableat's Forum Avatar
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Oct 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2012 11:48am | Report
I really want to find some viable build for top lane LB... Maybe you could help me? How would you build a LeBlanc in top lane?

1st, I'm considering running her against AP/Hybrid champions mostly or maybe against some champs that need to build-up certain stats, but instead will have to focus on MR.

2nd, I don't want a glass cannon build. Something with more sustain/CC/CDR.

3rd, I've played several games already... With 9-0-21, Shurelya's Battlesong and Deathfire Grasp provide you with 40% CDR. Seems pretty good to me, although you don't deal as much damage at once, low cooldowns allow you to be much more useful sometimes.

4th, GP10 start? Heart of Gold, kage's lucky pick and philosopher's stone all are good for laning phase on LeBlanc and all build up into good items for the team.

5th, Rod of Ages? Is it worth to build considering I'd like to build more tanky then usually? (Cata provides great sustain, don't forget...)

6th, What SS should be taken? I don't like flash as much since the lane might be not as agressive... TP or ghost are the best two that come to my mind. Enable split pushing/safe laning.

7th, regarding split pushing... Since have teleport (if I have teleport), an item like Lich Bane or Hextech Gunblade (active is nice too) would probably be good... (to boost AA damage). Alternatively, if I'm not getting Shurelya's, maybe Nashor's Tooth?

So.... Any thoughts on if LB top may be useful in any way?
Want to see an in-depth diamond level LeBlanc guide? Come by and check this ;) It's written by Baekstra who is a Diamond LeBlanc main on EUW and being one myself, I can vouch for it 100%!
tehAsian's Forum Avatar
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Jul 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2012 12:01pm | Report
Useful to Instagib and snowball off the squishier top laners to make the other team lose their top lane advantage maybe? :D

Also, she might be a good counter to Riven.
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JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2012 4:44pm | Report
Choosing to go top with LeBlanc is asking for a free loss in the lane.

Mainly because when LeBlanc faces mid against another SQUISHY AP, her damage is much more effective.

Top lane against champions who can easily build mercs and get Wits End (basically shut you down) and typically have a more substantial health pool, you're just hoping to not get owned.

BUT if you MUST find something viable...You can really only rush DFG+Sorcs+Haunting Guise and try to cut through their health+resists as quickly as possible.
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JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2012 4:46pm | Report

Choosing to go top with LeBlanc is asking for a free loss in the lane.

Mainly because when LeBlanc faces mid against another SQUISHY AP, her damage is much more effective.

Top lane against champions who can easily build mercs and get Wits End (basically shut you down) and typically have a more substantial health pool, you're just hoping to not get owned.

BUT if you MUST find something viable...You can really only rush DFG+Sorcs+Haunting Guise and try to cut through their health+resists as quickly as possible.

She isn't a DPS mage, you're not aiming to poke the enemy down. Hoping to NOT build glass cannon completely counteracts her whole purpose. Nuke the enemy and gtfo before they can wreck you. ]

meant to edit my post not quote it. LoL
albableat's Forum Avatar
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Oct 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2012 11:47pm | Report
Hm, I feel like you're probably right...

I just want to make her playable (for myself) in any lane so badly =(
I've figured out the ways of bot-lane LB already, but top is pretty damn hard for me...
Want to see an in-depth diamond level LeBlanc guide? Come by and check this ;) It's written by Baekstra who is a Diamond LeBlanc main on EUW and being one myself, I can vouch for it 100%!
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Arcana3's Forum Avatar
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Aug 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2012 11:48pm | Report
You know who you should ask? Castermaster... he knows alot about this :3 He does Xerath Top.
Thanks to everyone that has made me a sig!

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Feel Free to +rep if I helped you out
albableat's Forum Avatar
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Oct 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 21, 2012 12:43am | Report
I don't think CM would be really good at LeBlanc top, but yea if you see this, Caster, tell me what you think...

At least today he did top Kass (afk during champ select 2strong) in ranked game with me and it went horrible lol
Want to see an in-depth diamond level LeBlanc guide? Come by and check this ;) It's written by Baekstra who is a Diamond LeBlanc main on EUW and being one myself, I can vouch for it 100%!
animorte's Forum Avatar
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 21, 2012 9:29am | Report
She can work top because of her mobility and CC, but she doesn't have very good sustained damage. I suppose that can be fixed though...

Things she would need for top:
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration x 9
Greater Seal of Armor x 9
CDR or AP glyphs... HP, Armor, AP, or MPen quintessences.
10/13/7 or some close variation (MPen, Exhaust, Armor, HP, Mana, Mp5).
Possibly armor for starting items and rush Sorcerer's Shoes + Haunting Guise.
Main damage item would have to be Deathfire Grasp.
An early Catalyst the Protector may help the laning phase.

I would still treat her like a roaming/nuke/assassin. The first items and such would be more for winning (holding/surviving) that top lane. As soon as you can push out the enemy (probably requiring help from the jungler), you can make great mid and bottom ganks, maybe using teleport to return to lane after B or using it for the ganks.

With LeBlanc, you have to force the mid-game onto people. If she doesn't force it, others will eventually group up and build resistances, making it more difficult to do her job well. All champions have counters and I think LeBlanc is good for countering a lot of the more spell-reliant top-picks. She also has her counters, so you have to watch out for that.

Try to balance out your damage with a good mid-pick as well.
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Klausenheim's Forum Avatar
Dec 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 21, 2012 12:29pm | Report
You said that one of the reasons to do this is to force solo tops to change their builds, but a huge majority of "normal" solo top characters will already be buying Mercs and Wit's End, so how are you going to change that? I could see you having an advantage early if they don't see you coming and end up picking cloth + pots to rush a Wriggle's or something, but after that you are really putting yourself at a disadvantage.

The other problem here is that you will end up gimping yourself in the process. LeBlanc is the epitome of glass cannon design imo, she has really high burst with built-in escape abilities (reverse flash of sorts and her passive).

I guess overall yes, you could find a way to make it work if you really want to, but at what cost to your team? If you gimp everyone else just to prove a point to yourself that seems incredibly selfish considering how team-oriented LoL is. Just my opinion :-/
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alexborr's Forum Avatar
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Jul 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 15, 2014 6:01pm | Report
maybe with huge mana pool and some spellvamp u can poke
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