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My 2 actual working reworks, Ryze and Xin

Creator: NicknameMy April 11, 2012 1:42am
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2012 10:00am | Report
Temzilla wrote:

With a standard~ build, that means that E does 341 damage.

With a perfect 5 bounces + 50% AoE damage, you just did 1193 damage to the entire enemy team.

Not to mention their lowered MR, and Q's Cooldown meaning you just killed their entire team.

You can't give E a mana ratio.

Welcome to the everytime perfect world....

I mean rly, smart teams will never clumb up that hard, otherwise also Tiamat would be OP.

Lugignaf wrote:

It's not the early damage that makes him strong, it's the slow.

Let's assume you have 2 ranks in it for whatever reason when you're jungling.
25% slow on a champ with, for numbers sake, 365 move speed.(315 is middle ground for speeds and 50 with boots 1 since you're ganking top probably)

This brings them down to 274 movespeed(rounded up). Even Anivia with her base 300 movespeed can catch that and apply the stun/slow.

Let's go to end game where it's a 40% slow. Assume you're going onto a 315 base MS mage with boots 2(up to now 385) and you use Aud. Charge. Drops them to 231. Again, you're probably going to stick to them and just demolish them. This is kinda normal unless they CC you, which they probably will.

Dropping the slow early will make him lose a little bit of power while bringing it up later, say, 10% slow per level, will help him when he really needs to stick to that AD carry which is his problem later game. He can kill the mage with no escapes but not the AD carry with a slow, blink and 2 phantom dancers.

You assume his damage is the problem early game because he has CC to keep you there while the top laner
does the damage(slow and knock up) but these are really short CC lengths.

EDIT: You used the wrong word. 'Pathetic' means 'low amounts'
German to English a little tough for you today?

I think the slow is fairly balanced because it only last 1.5 seconds. And for lategame. Never heard of Frozen Mallet/ Trinity Force?
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 15, 2012 3:34am | Report
Oh, I found a little mistake. The calculation of an on-hit dmg spell is a bit different.

It is base damage + base ad + bonus ad + bonus ad * ratio, means I lower the ratio to 0.7, which is effectively a ratio of 1.7.
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