Quinn, Vayne, and Teemo are also top lane ranged champions but arnt nearly as effective as the ones moon stated, Kayle could be considered one but she has to use an ability to be ranged, Swain is ranged too
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
BruceC708 wrote:
OK, out of Jayce and Vayne, which one would u see and want to be more cautious against?
Meh, depends who you are playing as. Jayce can turn from a passive laner to a strong all-in champion in the turn of an eye. If you let Vayne get too far ahead, she can wreck in teamfights if left unchecked. But Vayne is an extremely niche pick and rarer to see.
Quinn is a monster top laner. Underrated. She ***** on most melees. Also, do not like going up against Urgot, dudes turns around fights extremely well, especially if you're trying to all-in him near his tower..
As for common top laners, these are the ones that annoy me the most: Kennen, Lissandra because escapes, Jayce/ Elise/ Nidalee for poking then all-in with massive damage. These last 3 are such a pain to learn the matchup, considering that while you're trying to trade or going all-in they are thinking the same thing while poking the **** out of you.
As for common top laners, these are the ones that annoy me the most: Kennen, Lissandra because escapes, Jayce/ Elise/ Nidalee for poking then all-in with massive damage. These last 3 are such a pain to learn the matchup, considering that while you're trying to trade or going all-in they are thinking the same thing while poking the **** out of you.
Quinn is not that underrated top lane. Quite strong actually as you said, but the problem is having double AD carries. 2x ADC is bad for late game.
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