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Ranged Top Laners

Creator: BruceC708 December 15, 2013 4:58pm
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2014 6:09am | Report
Rumble's a pretty good and underrated champ
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2014 6:10am | Report
And his flamethrower is getting new particles
<Altruistic Artist>
Mousy's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 26, 2014 4:00am | Report
Personally for top Lane if I am looking for a ranged top laner I go for only a few which I view as stronger or equal to other top laners that I could face.

AD Nidalee - Go utility ( Trinity Force, Iceborn Gauntlet, Lich Bane) | 0/21/9 Masteries and a rune page of: Hybrid Pen, Armour, Magic Resist, Lifesteal. Start with Crystalline Flask and Health Potion.

AD Jayce - Go bruiser ( Black Cleaver, Last Whisper, Trinity Force) | 21/9/0 Masteries and a rune page of: Armour Pen, Armour, Magic Resist, Attack Damage or Lifesteal. Start with Doran's Blade and Health Potion.

AP Kennen - Go bruiser ( Abyssal Mask, Zhonya's Hourglass, Void Staff) | 21/9/0 Masteries and a rune page of: Magic Pen, Armour, Magic Resist, Ability Power. Start with Doran's Blade and Health Potion.

These in my opinion are strong ranged top laners that can easily hold their own against most champions.
If I helped then a +REP would be lovely :3

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ZeUnit's Forum Avatar
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Jul 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2014 9:26am | Report
As said many times before, Vayne is a situational pick in the top lane. She does well against champs that tend to stack health or don't have a good gap closer e.g Shen, Olaf (not so much anymore) Singed etc.

Very situational, but can wreck some top laners with BotRK and Black Cleaver. In the right conditions you can basically have a standard bot lane carry, and Vayne in the top lane as an "off" carry.
NateDog13's Forum Avatar
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Dec 13th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2014 9:31am | Report
ZeUnit wrote:

As said many times before, Vayne is a situational pick in the top lane. She does well against champs that tend to stack health or don't have a good gap closer e.g Shen, Olaf (not so much anymore) Singed etc.

Very situational, but can wreck some top laners with BotRK and Black Cleaver. In the right conditions you can basically have a standard bot lane carry, and Vayne in the top lane as an "off" carry.

I'd argue you could play her any time. Bruiser Vayne is one hell of a fun build to play, all you really need is botrk and LW and then just build any resistance you want xD! Matchups with her tend to get destroyed solely by skill/mechanics which you gain over time when playing her so long :p!
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luizdeh's Forum Avatar
Apr 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 29, 2014 8:49am | Report
Mousy wrote:

AD Nidalee - Go utility ( Trinity Force, Iceborn Gauntlet, Lich Bane) | 0/21/9 Masteries and a rune page of: Hybrid Pen, Armour, Magic Resist, Lifesteal. Start with Crystalline Flask and Health Potion.

So all those on-hit effects stack?! OMFG OP.

Lich Bane overrides Trinity Force's UNIQUE passive: spellblade. IBG's slow is still proc'd and the 125% damage in surrounding peeps as well.

That aside, it's hella expensive and a hefty gold dump for very little effectiveness. I'd stick with Iceborn Gauntlet for that AD Nidalee.
SpawnOfHell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 29, 2014 10:03pm | Report
Mousy wrote:
AD Jayce - Go bruiser ( Black Cleaver, Last Whisper, Trinity Force) | 21/9/0 Masteries and a rune page of: Armour Pen, Armour, Magic Resist, Attack Damage or Lifesteal. Start with Doran's Blade and Health Potion.

AP Kennen - Go bruiser ( Abyssal Mask, Zhonya's Hourglass, Void Staff) | 21/9/0 Masteries and a rune page of: Magic Pen, Armour, Magic Resist, Ability Power. Start with Doran's Blade and Health Potion.

Um... not that this is particularly relevant but how are these bruiser? The Jayce build you've stated is practically pure assassin, and the Kennen build is somewhat resistances, but is still an AP-centric build. If you're planning on being a bruiser with these, you're not going to do so well.

Also afaik hybrid reds are better on top Kennen especially if you're going to do a Dblade start.

luizdeh wrote:
That aside, it's hella expensive and a hefty gold dump for very little effectiveness. I'd stick with Iceborn Gauntlet for that AD Nidalee.

Oh I dunno, if you're snowballing then Trinity Force isn't bad, but I'll avoid any discussions on Nid since I hate her guts.
<Altruistic Artist>
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Jan 10th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2014 3:04am | Report
luizdeh wrote:

So all those on-hit effects stack?! OMFG OP.

Lich Bane overrides Trinity Force's UNIQUE passive: spellblade. IBG's slow is still proc'd and the 125% damage in surrounding peeps as well.

That aside, it's hella expensive and a hefty gold dump for very little effectiveness. I'd stick with Iceborn Gauntlet for that AD Nidalee.

The items that I quoted were just examples of what I have built in the past when playing Nidalee top and not to be built together as I know Unique Passives do not stack :P I agree its expensive but if you are ahead then it is defiantly worth going Trinity Force and Lich Bane!

Just to clarify the items that I quoted are just ideas and not things that you should built 100%. I just view these as really strong items on that specific champion!
If I helped then a +REP would be lovely :3

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luizdeh's Forum Avatar
Apr 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2014 4:33am | Report
I gotcha! But I'd still argue against building Lich Bane if you're going AD Bruiser. This items is for the burst damage and if you have low AP it's not cost efficient.

Iceborn Gauntlet is hands down the best item for her. Good if fed, good if behind. Trinity Force is situational IMO and should only be built if you get hella fed early and don't think you'll need the CC/armor it provides.
Dychronius's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2014 3:22pm | Report
As everyone has said at least once: Quinn, Jayce, Vayne, Kennen, Nidalee, Lissandra, Elise, Karma, Tristana, Vlad, Ryze, Satan. The thing is, quite a few of these guys have seen nerfs recently or in the past, and others are really only situational picks. Jayce has been nerfed, he's still good if you know how to play him, Ryze got range nerfs, Vlad got nerfs to his most important items. Vayne is good against hp stacking tanks like Volibear, Mundo, etc, and Trist is good against regen-based champions, Like Volibear and Mundo(again).

The rest are strong, and I haven't seen many of these guys played in the top lane for a long time. The last time I've seen some of these picks was myself playing them, actually.

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