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Spirit of ancient golem on irelia

Creator: KazamaShoichi January 17, 2014 5:46am
KazamaShoichi's Forum Avatar
Dec 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 17, 2014 5:46am | Report
So, I think golem is a great buld to irelia. Kinda like blue build ezreal. So you benefit from everything, 10cdr(?) 350hp, butcher, and the new passive heal. and conversation incase you pushed and went to wight camp. So here, the passive heal will strenghten her heal and push waves faster. after pushing, go to wight camp. then back to lane. this will set her for midgame and dueling her with minions is hard becuse of her ult . so unless im wrong about her ult affected by butcher, this is great, right?
emoriam's Forum Avatar
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Mar 15th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 17, 2014 5:50am | Report
The passives works with monsters, I mean the first unique passive and Butcher what is not really helpful in lane. Need Tenacity?: Mercury's Treads; Need CDR?: Spirit Visage ..
Thanks to Emikadon for this sig!
KazamaShoichi's Forum Avatar
Dec 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 17, 2014 5:55am | Report
Isnt her laning phase until lv9 bad? im not really a fan of Merc treads and visage cdr got reduced to 10. but the point is to out level the enemy. golem is cheap. you clear enemy minion wave, go to wight camp, go back to lane. more xp. And I hate merc treads. (2nd time.)
Jpikachu1999's Forum Avatar
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Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 17, 2014 8:48am | Report
Well, it really depends on the matchup and the skill of the player, because I've seen Irelias destroy 6+.

On a serious note, Spirit of the Ancient Golem is bad on a laner. Nothing that it has cannot be replaced by a better item for a laner. Against a lot of magic damage? Spirit Visage gives you health, MR, and CDR, plus the passive gives your amazing healing a bigger boost. Need some armor? Randuin's Omen gives you all the stats you need. Fed and need some survivability? Guardian Angel serves your needs. Need damage? Well, you wouldn't get Spirit of the Ancient Golem anyways, but Blade of the Ruined King, Wit's End, or Trinity Force say hello.

Basically, that 2000 gold (or anywhere upwards of 3500 gold depending on if you get boots or other items before) you spend on Spirit of the Ancient Golem can be spent on something more useful, and you aren't going to get enough gold back to be worth buying it. It's good on junglers, because junglers make use of all its stats all throughout the game. As a top laner, you get to farm a camp every now and then, by the time you get to 20 minutes you've maybe gotten a total of 200 - 400 gold back from it. That's not a reason to get it.

Your argument is that you push the wave, go to wight camp, and go back to lane. That will not work against Gold+ players. Once they catch on to what you are doing, they will just freeze the lane at their tower so that you get no farm or experience, or if you try to farm their jungler will come up and just kill you. Also, if we assume Irelia's laning phase before 9 is bad, how do you intend to push the lane without getting wrecked by the enemy top laner? Also, the passive of Spirit of the Ancient Golem only works against monsters, not lane minions.

I don't mean to be harsh, but honestly, just think about it. Sustain = Spirit Visage or Blade of the Ruined King. Health and defenses = Spirit Visage, Randuin's Omen, or Sunfire Aegis. CDR = Spirit Visage, Zephyr, Frozen Heart (if you really want it). I think you get the idea. The gold is better spent elsewhere, as you can get the same stats for more useful items.

If I helped you, click that +rep!
KazamaShoichi's Forum Avatar
Dec 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 17, 2014 5:22pm | Report
there you go, lane minions doesnt work on golem so this is invalid. just wanted to confirm this. for sustain and even though they froze the lane, getting a gank (dive?) but eff this. it doesnt work on lane minions. (my plan was to buy berserk, golem, cutlass and phage (if possible. then stay in lane till forever while attempting to outlevel your enemy.If you can manage to outplay, you're fine. )
Dychronius's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 31, 2014 12:49pm | Report
There has been no reason to buy a jungle item on a non-jungler since the preseason began and they changed them. And even then, you never got Spirit of the Ancient Golem on anyone, just Spirit of the Spectral Wraith if you were playing Vladimir or Spirit of the Elder Lizard if you went blue build Ezreal. Beyond that, they were only bought on junglers, and now that is especially so.

As an Irelia main, I can say this is a bad idea. The general idea of Irelia is build a triforce, then get what you need to win the game. Damage? Wit's End or Blade of the Ruined King. MR? Spirit Visage or Wit's End. Armor? Randuin's Omen or Sunfire Aegis. Health? Spirit Visage, Randuin's Omen, Sunfire Aegis. Boots of whatever, and now there's a dead enemy team. And the Spirit Visage nerf on the cdr was intended to make buying it on champs like Shyvana who don't benefit from the passive less useful.

While all the stats it may give are useful, the passive's are so far from useful it makes this item a bad buy on Irelia.

Edit: Also, her early laning is the only weak part. Post six, you eat ADC's for breakfast. If you survive the laning phase as Irelia, you are a force to be reckoned with.

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