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Feedback on commentary video? (No ads, and I am...

Creator: ArgusGaming February 14, 2015 1:32pm
ArgusGaming's Forum Avatar
Feb 13th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 14, 2015 1:32pm | Report
Hey, whats up guys? I am Argus and I really want you feedback on my youtube channel, or only the video I will put up below. Not gonna spam or anything. I am not asking for likes, comments or subs. The thing is that I want to improve. Therefor you guys are the best once that can answer that. Just want you to be 100% honest with me! Best Regards, Argus
<Retired Admin>
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 16, 2015 7:24am | Report
Ok, I just watched (roughly) the first half of the video and although I like the fact that you're trying to explain why you do certain things, I feel like your decision making in this game was still a little off in some specific situations. Note that this is only my personal opinion, you should of course feel free to disagree with it ;)

First of all, I realise this comes down mostly to personal preference / playstyle, but I'd choose Teleport over Ignite on Wukong top, because I feel like he can't abuse it as well as certain other champions in the game. What I mean by that is that I feel like taking Ignite is good on strong early game champions on which you want to win the lane (getting an advantage of at least one kill); Wukong imo doesn't fit that category (someone like Renekton does). Instead, Wukong excels in 2v2/3v3 skirmishes or full-on 5v5 teamfights (once he has his ultimate, that is), which can make using Teleport on him to gank bot lane or to join your team to fight for an objective extremely effective. If your idea was to pick Ignite to get early kills on Jax (who also isn't great pre-6), that's fine, but I'd argue your playstyle still didn't match it.

Now, based on that game you might not think Jax is weak pre-6 (seeing as you were forced to recall early), and the simple reason for it is that you got cheesed. Jax' Counter Strike is incredibly dangerous at levels 1-3, because he completely avoids minion damage when using it while you take damage from his autos, the minions (which hurt a lot early on) and then from the ability itself. Based on your reaction I can only assume you haven't played against Jax often, so learn from that. You can tell from the video that it was much easier for you to avoid his "initiate" (if you can even call it that) once you had your Warrior Trickster and win trades by re-engaging with Nimbus Strike afterwards, but if you hadn't been forced to back almost immediately you may have had a better time trading with him early on (because you wouldn't have missed experience).

You had a similar response to his post-6 damage whenever he'd burst you with the amplified auto (from Master-At-Arms's passive) + Leap Strike + Empower, which again suggests you don't have much experience against him and are unsure of his exact damage at certain points in the game / with certain items (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here, that's just what it looks like to me). This also ties in closely with my next - and probably most important - point, which is that I feel like you should try to look at the matchup from his point of view more often. Let's take both of your first two deaths as examples for this:
  1. 5:40 in the video - this fight starts with Jax trying to use his Counter Strike + Leap Strike to stun you, which as I just described is pretty easy for you to avoid at this point. You get hit by the stun, but all the other damage is dealt to your clone, which opens a window of opportunity for you as you can E-Q him for free knowing his abilities are on cooldown. So far so good. However, knowing that Jax is level 6 and has a very early game focused build so far (2x Doran's Blade) & sustain ( Vampiric Scepter), it should be obvious to you that an all-in here could still go his way, especially if he has the time to build up his attack speed & regain health by auto attacking minions. Combine that with the fact he has Ignite (which you mentioned yourself already) and... well, this happens :P
  2. 10:00 in the video - with Jax still having the cost-efficient Doran's items and building towards Blade of the Ruined King, it is probably tough for you to trade with him if you don't manage to disengage immediately after landing your E-Q (without him being able to retaliate) as any extended trades should be heavily in his favor. Knowing this, he walks up to you with the intention of zoning you from the creeps. However, your reaction to this is to pop your Warrior Trickster, which in this case opens a window of opportunity (yep, highlighting that term again because I feel it's important) for him as he knows that any damage he deals once you are visible again will actually be dealt to you, not the clone. After you walk back into the lane, there's again no reason for him to hold back - knowing (or guessing) that your W is still down - so he jumps on you again and uses the burst combo I mentioned earlier. I realise you weren't expecting this damage, but passively staying at the very edge of the experience range a little longer would've made it harder for him to predict if your W was back up again or not.

I hope those examples clarify the point I'm trying to make here and show why it's important to look at your win conditions as well as those of your laning opponent (let me know if anything is unclear). Oh, and keep an eye on those windows opening/closing while you're at it ;)

I didn't watch anything past the ~15 minute mark, so I'm afraid I can't comment on it. Good luck improving! :)

Edit: forgot to mention I believe Wukong players tend to max E, not Q.

Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
ArgusGaming's Forum Avatar
Feb 13th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 17, 2015 2:43pm | Report
Yeah, Wayne3100. You clerified a lot there. I am really glad you used your time telling me all this. I don't see Wukong as a champion that I would prefer to play as normally. But he is a good game changer champ I would say. I will try teleport. Think that is the best as well. Can help your team more and at the same time push without worrying that you can't help your team at dragon etc. :) Thanks again!

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