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League of Legends (LoL) Question: ADC choices for me

Posted in Champions 2,333


    ADC choices for me

    i am a top main in S9 and made my way up to diamond. i currently want to change my role to bot lane. do anyone have some good suggestions that what should i pick? i am thinking of aphelios, xayah or kai sa
  • Answers (2)

    SaltedCrisp (3) | March 19, 2020 10:02am
    If you're new to bot lane, I do suggest ADCs like Ashe, Miss Fortune, and Sivir. Although a very totally not biased opinion, I do recommend playing Xayah, Ezreal, or Kai'Sa in your rank. Though it is best recommended to try until you find one you're comfortable with. Good luck!
    Shark B | March 13, 2020 5:48pm
    Hello, I´m like new in the game, actually main support. From my visual learn I can suggest you try Ashe, MF, Kog´Maw or Aphelios if you like High Damage champs (High risk High reward). In other case you can look champs like Kai´sa, Kalista or Xayah if you like to play safe but harras at the same time.

    I recomend you to search and practice until you find some you fell comfortable with. Play safe your firsts games and pray for a good supp, always help. Remember, you´re not longer a juggernaut neither a tank.
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