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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Choosing between Morellonomicon or Athene's Unholy Grail.

Posted in Items 11,360

  • NoAlarms

    Choosing between Morellonomicon or Athene's Unholy Grail.

    Hello, guys. I'm playing on the mid lane a lot nowdays, and when I'm watching streams of champions like Orianna, I see that some players pick the Morellonomicon or Athene's Unholy Grail.

    I know they both are mana focus itens, but how should I choose between one of then?

    Thanks so much.
  • Answers (3)

    sirell (400) | May 2, 2013 6:43am
    Look at the items and see what they yield:

    Both items yield AP, mana regen and CDR. So what's the factors that remain decisive between them?

    Athene's Unholy Grail - Magic Resist. Use for most situations when trading against opponents.

    Morellonomicon - Grievous Wounds. Used to counter healing champions ( Fiddlesticks, Vladimir, Swain).

    Other considerations: Morellonomicon is cheaper, so if you're behind it might be worth buying this first, because it's super cost-effective. It also has kage's lucky pick for that extra gold yield. Otherwise, all other situations would be Athene's Unholy Grail for a greater mana yield + spammable abilities + damage.
    NoAlarms (1) | May 2, 2013 6:59am
    Sirell, I appreciate so much.
    mage legend (10) | May 2, 2013 8:16am
    Hi NoAlarms,

    the answer your question is right here: click me!
    I hope this answers your question ^^

    Greetings, Mage Legend
    NoAlarms (1) | May 2, 2013 8:59am
    This helped me a lot. Clarified a lot of things. Thanks, Mage Legend.
    Bnymn05 (1) | May 2, 2013 12:13pm
    I would buy Athene's Unholy Grail with the most mid laner. But it is stupid to buy that with kata.
    I only would buy the with mana-mid laner,bcause it give ap, magic res., and cooldoe´wn reduction -> op
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