League of Legends (LoL) Question: Damage Mitigation
Posted in Items | Tags: Guardian Angel Kindred Maw of Malmortius Phantom Dancer 6,065
Damage Mitigation
Two part question
1) When do buy I Maw of Malmortius vs. Phantom Dancer as damage mitigation.
2) If you are still getting blown up through Maw of Malmortius by an AP assassin like Diana, would Maw + Wit's End end be enough to keep you up long enough that you can do some damage.
Maw and Phantom dancer both give you a shield and lifeline, PD just gives you a shield vs all damage vs. Maw which gives you a shield vs magic damage. But I've noticed a fed assassin can blow through either of them. At that point do you just prioritize a Guardian Angel?
I did kill the Diana early, though I didn't get to her much after that.
Once Diana engages, she has no way out + she struggles against champions that kite very well (Kindred!). If you play it right you can nullify her completely in fights. I would have went for Infinity Edge instead of that Wit's End.
Once Diana engages, she has no way out + she struggles against champions that kite very well (Kindred!). If you play it right you can nullify her completely in fights. I would have went for Infinity Edge instead of that Wit's End.
@ yeager appreciate the feedback.
I get itemization sufficient to deal with Diana and likely even too defensive.
So that gets to mechanics.
-Summoner spell usage (I know I had at least one fight where I thought I smited her, but it turns out it didn't go off).
Danke schoen!
Seeing the enemy team comp, pd into a ga would have been best, since only the diana does magic damage.
I don't know if this would work in game but this is what I would have done.
Seeing the enemy team comp, pd into a ga would have been best, since only the diana does magic damage.
I don't know if this would work in game but this is what I would have done.
I can see the logic and it may be worth trying in a similar scenario in the future. My experience with Diana is that generally ganking one as a squishy is dicey once she has her ult without any MR (hence the early Hexdrinker (2nd item after boots this game)). But if she is just going to blow through the shield despite the additional MR, then PD is worth a go.
2) I think that with her build she still oneshots you even if you have a wit's end. But it's fairly close. Maybe with the HP from an Elixir of Iron you can survive.
I would have gone Guardian Angel in your situation, yes. The item is literally made for this type of game. They have 3 champions that can jump you and oneshot you, and they're all AD except for Diana. But the best thing to do is to just group as 5.
2) I think that with her build she still oneshots you even if you have a wit's end. But it's fairly close. Maybe with the HP from an Elixir of Iron you can survive.
I would have gone Guardian Angel in your situation, yes. The item is literally made for this type of game. They have 3 champions that can jump you and oneshot you, and they're all AD except for Diana. But the best thing to do is to just group as 5.
Point on the MR on Maw.
I picked up a Stopwatch to build into Guardian Angel and then forgot the use the damn thing after we killed Urgot and Nocturne and Diana jumped me from tribush on the way to Baron, so big mistake on my part. Since she was the only one was one shoting (shotting?) me (even if others were capable) I decided that I would get the Wit's End to see how that worked. Unfortunately, I picked it up after the last fight in which Veigar and I killed Diana at the cost of my life. Their team was able to roll over the rest of my team and end the game from there, so no opportunity to test. :(
Oh by the way you asked at what point do you get GA, in this kind of game I'd say as a 3rd or 4th item.
Oh by the way you asked at what point do you get GA, in this kind of game I'd say as a 3rd or 4th item. Even second item with a build like bloodrazor->GA could work.
Ah, I do need to keep selling Enchantment: Warrior if it gets to super late game (wasn't quite tot he point in this game where I had the gold to swap out items). And also Elixir of Iron if I just need a little bit not get blown up.
Appreciate the suggestions@ Hamstertamer!