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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Domination Secondary on Xayah?

Posted in Runes | Tags: Xayah 3,961

  • JustXayah

    Domination Secondary on Xayah?

    WIth the current state of the game where most games dont go over 30 minutes you dont get much value from Gathering Storm [29 AD at 30min]. On the other hand you can get Eyeball collection which gives less AD [18] but is also much faster to finish. For the Ultimate Rune you can either get Ravenous Hunter or Ultimate Hunter. I personally love Ravenous Hunter because of the Omnivamp it provides, pair it with Legend: Bloodline and you should be able to outheal the damage the enemy laner deals. Ultimate Hunter is nice too since it lowers your absurd ult Cooldown, 25% at max stacks + 30 AH [23% CDR] from Navori Quickblades reduces your ult Cooldown to around 85 seconds [67 at max level](can be even lower if you get another AH item/Blue Buff or Cloud Drakes] This works very well with the buffed 60s CD Galeforce since you will be able to do your R>E>Galeforce combo every 60seconds. Opinions?
  • Answers (1)

    Fruxo (327) | December 10, 2020 3:25am
    Domination secondary is her current most popular rune choice using specifically Ravenous Hunter & Taste of Blood though options are personal choice. Unless they buff her, it'll be meh what secondary runes you pick in my opinion.
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