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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Getting Back Into LoL

Posted in General 2,209

  • Darealone

    Getting Back Into LoL

    Been off of league since last November. What are the things that I NEED to know such as map changes, champ changes, item changes, etc. I'm just talking huge things, everything else such as detailed champ buffs etc I'll probably just look up myself.

    In other words...give me a TL;DR of the patches that came out after April.
  • Answers (1)

    Jimmy Elkjer (2) | October 6, 2016 11:07am
    1. Rotating Game Modes (every Weekend)

    2. No More Dominion

    3. Yorick got COOL! (a Rework)

    4. Hextech Crafting (chest's like CS:GO)

    5. You can get (Tier) LvL 7 on champions and get an Emote!

    Hope it Helped you (if it did pls +Rep), i will update it when i remember more things!
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