How do you win against Zed?
Asked by Stephannetje on May 7, 2015
I've been playing against a few Zed's midlane, but I can't win against them, starting in early game. What do you recommend me to do against Zed? What champion is a good, a bit save, option against him? And how do you play against him in late game?
Please help me!
In the late game
Stay behind your minions and he will push whilst trying to attack you with his Q/w/e, just try to slot in a few auto attacks whilst his Q is on CD and you will obtain a steady lead.
Lissandra and Malzahar are great for shutting down burst-heavy diving assassins. Just do your best to beat your lane opponent to 6 and you should be fine.
(work best against Zed, Leblanc, and Yasuo)
Vladamere is better against assassins who can competently dive you before level 6 or champions with stealth.(like Talon)