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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Is Vayne top viable?/Is AP Vayne viable?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Vayne 5,676

  • Firehusary

    Is Vayne top viable?/Is AP Vayne viable?

    Is Vayne top viable in current meta?

    and, is Vayne AP viable? Her Q at 5 have 2 sec of cooldown, thus she would trigger Lich Bane very often... And I know that she didn't have any AP Ratious, but: Lich Bane and Nashor Tooth:D
  • Answers (2)

    Vynertje (386) | January 25, 2014 3:38am
    Fat-fast is quite incorrect on the vayne top part.

    Vayne top is cheese/niche but definitely works well in specific matchups. Her %hp damage and mobility means she is a good counter to health stacking targets. As long as you don't get caught in an all-out fight, you are pretty much good to go. Also, ADC's tops do get countered by babysitting junglers so keep that in mind.

    Also, double ADC compositions work well as long as the rest of your team is tanky to peel for both. If an double ADC composition gets ahead, it is really hard to make a comeback. You don't have to dive deep because you can just siege turrets and they can't engage on you because you have too much damage.
    Fousek (4) | February 4, 2014 5:33am
    I agree. There are champs who will cry against Vayne but with babysitting jungler can shut down her and win...
    PsiGuard (1495) | January 25, 2014 10:59am
    (Also don't do AP vayne pls, it's not worth it.)
    Fat_fast (11) | January 25, 2014 1:06am
    1st question: IMO no. Easy to be pushed out of lane, no gank escape, 2 ADC comp suffers when step into the later phase of the game... to mention a few.
    2nd question: I smell a troll, but still hell no. Why would you go ap when ad is so superior?
    Jack Rubino (37) | January 25, 2014 1:22am
    ap Vayne is god, pls
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