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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Jayce and Tear. Ryze and Top.

Posted in Champions | Tags: Jayce Ryze Tear of the Goddess 5,211

  • Darealone

    Jayce and Tear. Ryze and Top.

    Two-ish questions.

    1. Why isn't Tear of the Goddess being built on Jayce in terms of the pros and is it still effective?

    2. Is Ryze still effective as a top laner?
  • Answers (1)

    PsiGuard (1495) | November 2, 2016 9:18pm
    1. His mana costs were buffed and armor pen is insanely strong so it's better to skip tear and just build straight damage.

    2. He's okay, but he's better in the shorter (mid) lane. If you really want to play him top you can, but you'll be pretty vulnerable when pushing.
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