there in the new kaisa build with Manamune and the old build with stormrazor
against what matchups do i build Manamune
and against what matchups do i build StormRazor
SR is for hard snowballing bot. You may get it to ensure you have a strong power spike at 1.5 items & E evolve early. Manamune is more affordable. It would be a safer choice to have for mid game that comes online earlier than the IE build and has flexibility with AP or AD.
Depends on what you are going for. Kai'sa by her very nature is extremely flexible, which is one of the reasons I like her so much. Personally, I would go with Stormrazor, greaves, Infinity Edge x2, Statikk shiv, and Essence Reaver.
SR is for hard snowballing bot. You may get it to ensure you have a strong power spike at 1.5 items & E evolve early. Manamune is more affordable. It would be a safer choice to have for mid game that comes online earlier than the IE build and has flexibility with AP or AD.
Quoted straight from /r/kaisamains
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