I've tried it multiple times, very slow start and you need reset quite a few times, unless you take the inspiration Time Warp Tonic. Ganking is not that much of a problem on squishy enemy lanes. But you are basically a malphite waiting for level 6 and team fights. I kept building AD kennen mostly to get more damage to clear camps and because i enjoy seeing high attack speeds. Never really tried the AP, not a fan.
Well.. Kennen in the jungle oould be fun.. But I think you will not get far with that.. First, you have energy in the jungle thats pretty bad.Then, I think Kennen his cooldowns are way too high to be a efficient jungler.. and the problem is that kennen is a poke based champion - means that you just cant counterjungle or 1o1 for the scuttle crab against junglers like Nocturne Lee Sin Udyr Kayn etc..
But kennen jng might be a champion to have fun with in the jungle.. Same goes for Rammus top..
But kennen jng might be a champion to have fun with in the jungle.. Same goes for Rammus top..
lg or "Sink´em all" ~Pykë x)