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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Korea Kennen, what exactly is it and why?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Kennen 4,752

  • Shinto

    Korea Kennen, what exactly is it and why?

    Alright, i've heard a lot about this as of late, but i'm wondering why is it a buzz all of a sudden. I've heard, and i could be totally wrong on this front, that it's grabbing Bilgewater, getting Twin Fangs and then finishing BotRK and then finishing normal ap. Whats the point, or is it just some lackluster idea thought up from some persons mind?
  • Answers (1)

    Dill Money (5) | May 30, 2013 5:10pm
    Kennen has high base stats, pretty much the same reason why the guy from GIANTS! gaming started full AD Kennen. I watched Chaox play ad Kennen on his stream and he went on and on about how high his base attack speed is, but I think it may have gotten nerfed a little. Bottom line is hybrid/ad Kennen has self-peel for days and stuns out the ***. Btw its Twin Shadows.
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