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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Lulu

Posted in Champions | Tags: Lulu 3,354

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    Hi everybody!

    I have a question i need a quick build for lulu to be ap carry!
    Thank you
  • Answers (2)

    Quite Nomible (29) | October 9, 2016 2:08pm
    if you want to be hated by everyone you can go something like berserkers greaves, wit's end, nashor's tooth, statikk shiv and phantom dancer.

    other than that, honestly lulu cant really be a good carry anymore in a solo lane. she used to be good because of good safety, good waveclear and ok damage but nowadays... meh. support it is.
    PartyStart3r | September 27, 2016 4:27am
    Nashor , Magic penetration Boots, Rilay , Rabadon , Mask , guardian angel
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