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League of Legends (LoL) Question: meta champs?

Posted in Champions 2,825

  • Shadow.exe

    meta champs?

    what is the best meta champ to win every games?
  • Answers (6)

    AnEgg (1) | March 25, 2019 7:46pm
    Assassins if you are in low elo
    Eyecri | March 24, 2019 4:59am
    Top:Kayle,akali,urgot(not sure),jax, neeko ( not sure),riven .Mid: Kayle,fizz,zed,talon,yasuo,morg,katarina. Jungle: rengar,twitch, lee sin,hecarim,jarvan.Bottom:Vayne,jhin,Caitlyn,sivir,jinx, xayah(not sure).Support:nami,morg.,soraka.sona.

    This just my opinion,based on my matches in silver PH server, this based on 9.6 patch and you may want to read the patch notes for more details
    Marshbouy | March 21, 2019 3:10pm
    What role do you play?
    Tecundi Chancer | March 22, 2019 3:52pm
    Some champs I see a lot rn (Top, Jg, Mid, Supp, Bot) are: Darius, Garen, Nasus & Teemo. Master Yi, Xin Zao & Jax. Akali, Ahri & Yasuo. Thresh, Lux & Lulu. Lucian, Draven & Kai'Sa :)
    Kreezhem | March 22, 2019 3:21pm
    My current favorite champion to achieve the highest rate of solo carry is Kha'Zix.

    Firstly I believe that Jungle is the most impactful role in soloQ and therefor the role to main if you want to increase your potential to carry.
    Then Kha is excellent at taking out key target before a fight or at the beginning of the fight. The jump reset allow you to get out of sticky situations after your assassination and allowing you to tempo a little bit before going back in to clean the team fight.
    Kha is also amazing to secure objectives.

    It got me to diamond within a week on NA
    JohnySalvador16 (2) | March 22, 2019 5:18am
    Play Cho'Gath, you can play him every lane in every role.He's easy and very affective,if you go ADC with him build Nashoors and Lich Bane.
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