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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Mid lane warding and junglers

Posted in General | Tags: Sight Ward 3,648

  • Kinen

    Mid lane warding and junglers

    In the interests of making my initial 2 wards last until my first recall I do not ward immediately and only have one side of the mid lane warded until I can buy surplus wards.

    At what time, and from which direction, do most junglers gank from? Is my first ward most useful at enemy wraiths or by their blue side river bush? Which junglers stand out for having notably different ganking, be it due to early/late ganks or unusual paths?
  • Answers (1)

    Satella (177) | May 6, 2013 12:49pm
    Junglers can gank from either side, although if the jungler is lazy, blue side tends to gank from dragon and purple side tends to gank from baron.

    There's a trick to get by ganks from both sides with 1 ward. LiLStormcloaK explains it in his guide like this:
    Kinen (27) | May 6, 2013 3:04pm
    Sight Wards Are Great? I agree.
    And thanks for the advice, Satella.
    LiLStormcloaK (72) | May 6, 2013 2:40pm
    Satella (177) | May 6, 2013 2:26pm
    Ward deeper against junglers who have huge gapclosers like Zac and Nocturne. Basically stalk their jungle with wards around important camps.
    Kinen (27) | May 6, 2013 1:39pm
    Thanks for that link, for some reason I've never considered actually using my warded brush as an escape route. Otherwise the method described is what I use. I take it that I can't make any assumptions about competent junglers, so one side is as good as the other. Do you have any recommendations for warding against jungler like Zac who have unique gank paths? I've had some trouble with him.
    Satella (177) | May 6, 2013 12:52pm
    I would personally ward a little bit further out into the bendy bush, to cover the gank path between river and your tower.
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