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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Pyke Mid patch 1.15

Posted in Champions | Tags: Pyke 4,300

  • TheosD

    Pyke Mid patch 1.15

    Why is noone playing it? For me its woking great. Just had a 24/0 game yesterday. Is this becouse I am in low elo(Bronze) and he isnt good in high elo?
  • Answers (2)

    Vapora Dark (625) | August 12, 2019 1:06pm
    Pyke wasn't out yet on patch 1.15. Hope that clears things up!
    EvilOranges (13) | August 9, 2019 4:21pm
    His waveclear is really bad, and any ranged midlaner can just slowpush or shove him in. This makes only a E-Q combo possible, so you can't get stunned. His heal is ok, but because there are so many burst champs mid it doesn't matter anymore.
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