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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Pyke's Ultimate

Posted in Champions 13,415

  • Molecool

    Pyke's Ultimate

    So when Pyke's abilities were released the other day, the description for his ultimate mentioned that the ally who most recently assisted also gets kill gold and credit. This is still seen on the Pyke reveal here on Mobafire. However, if you go to the champion reveal page now, it says that kills only grant allies kill gold, not credit. For me, this kill credit was the main reason Pyke could be a support, not just a jungler or perhaps a top or mid. So I'm wondering if it was a mistake and not supposed to be a reveal, or possibly it was removed after the public backlash as people thought it would be too OP. What is your opinion on this? Was it a mistake, does it still grant kill credit, etc. Very weird of Riot to change that and not at least make a statement about the change.
  • Answers (6)

    KajiKumihoAkukei (140) | May 16, 2018 11:23am
    I don't feel like not getting the kill credit does that much though. If you still get the gold when Pyke kills an enemy that should be enough. It's more like a 'kill secured' and if you think about that it makes sense. If you play an ADC that isn't as strong in the early game and Pyke can finish of a few kills, you still get the gold as if you finished those kills yourself.
    This means a higher gold income > faster item spikes > faster scaling > less time before you can start finishing off kills yourself.

    But that's just my opinion though! ^^
    ninja8135 (6) | June 20, 2018 7:39am
    When Pyke was released I wanted him to be a jungler so bad. His kit is made perfectly for it. His jungle potential was much better in the PBE, but upon release they increased some of his ability cooldowns. Overall his clear speed is usually to slow to make him a great jungler. His ganks are still amazing though, so if played as support, he has a lot of roaming potential. Kill credit means nothing. Kill gold is the main benefit for your team. The rank you get after a match is based on your damage done and kill participation, not the number of champions you last hit. Be involved in a lot of your teams kills and you will still get a high rank. Also other factors impact your match rank like CS and vision score. Those usually have a larger impact on your end of match rank than the amount of kills you got.
    GregPap (4) | May 21, 2018 10:37am
    Lets say Pyke kills Ezreal with his ulty and Teemo hit last before Ezreal died from Pyke.Teemo will get the amount of exp. and gold he(Teemo) would normally get if he killed Ezreal by himself. I hope I helped ^_^
    Pliisti (3) | May 17, 2018 3:36am
    It wouldn't make any sense to give kill credit in terms of K/D/A to 2 people for 1 kill, because then your team would have more kills than the enemy team have deaths. There may be times when Pyke steals your kill for the extra gold but there should also be times when he secures a kill that you couldn't, so it might just even out.
    Hamstertamer (74) | May 16, 2018 1:12am
    Who gets credited for the kill is purely cosmetic, it just changes KDA. Since the gold part isn't affected, the change doesn't make him weaker as a support.

    Agree that it was better to credit kills to teammates, it's a bit silly to see pykes execute everything and get 30+ kills, but the only thing the change affects is your teammates' ego. Well, and now Pyke gives big shutdown gold when you kill him lol.
    Molecool | May 16, 2018 2:23pm
    The fact that it does change the KDA is important, though. Like, I play twitch whenever I go ADC, and am Mastery 5. I need one more S- to get mastery 6, and riot doesn't care about the gold as much as KDA and cs. So while it doesn't change the game, it can impact players negatively.
    Hamstertamer (74) | May 16, 2018 2:54pm
    Molecool wrote:
    The fact that it does change the KDA is important, though. Like, I play twitch whenever I go ADC, and am Mastery 5. I need one more S- to get mastery 6, and riot doesn't care about the gold as much as KDA and cs. So while it doesn't change the game, it can impact players negatively.

    Riot makes no difference between kills and assists for these things. It's an official policy, they don't reward killstealing. Only your kill participation counts.
    orrvaa (41) | May 15, 2018 10:24pm
    I don't think credit for kill would give any thing for the team, its much better to have the gold without letting the enemy the option of shutdown gold.
    Molecool | May 16, 2018 2:24pm
    It's not just the gold, though. For instance, I play twitch adc a lot, and am mastery 5, and i need 1 more token for mastery 6. If my kda has a lot more assists than kills, that will impact my grade, and it can be harder to get the grade i deserve.
    orrvaa (41) | May 17, 2018 5:31am
    I don't think it should be include in the calculation for the personal ranks, you will get your mastery in a time, it like to have 6.1.10 and get only A+ (happaned to me) since all my team was X/0/X (X = high number), i still got my S later. So in my opinion if you don't kill you should not get a kill credit
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