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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Rengar Hard?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Rengar 7,334

  • TentiTiger11

    Rengar Hard?

    Is rengar hard to play mechanically or macro? I was thinking of getting him because he looks fun and can one shot which also sounds fun. My top macro is great from watching this one youtuber, but i still can't learn the jg macro. Is there a guide on this?
  • Answers (5)

    Silverman43 (85) | July 14, 2020 2:26am
    Rengar isn't too hard. He might need a few games to get used to, but once you get the hang of him he can be very rewarding and fun to play! If you want to learn how to play jungle Rengar, this video guide might help. Of course you can also check out some guides here on Mobafire.
    silentdeath (1) | July 19, 2020 10:31am
    jungle macro is not easy but thats is not only to rengar,What u have to do with rengar after lane phase is literally press R and one shot the adc(im an adc main and i hate my role :) ) but there is alot of guides on youtube teaching u macro
    Kingarthur720 | July 20, 2020 11:11am
    Im a pretty casual rengar player, ive gotten m4 on him after playing him a bit but i can say that once you play him jungle your macro will improve alot more and your rengar clear will be easy after 2 or 3 games. I also recommend you watch Dekar173 on youtube/twitch, there you can pickup alot on how he plays rengar, his runeset, items, pathing, etc. I hope this will help you decide to buy rengar.
    silentdeath (1) | July 19, 2020 10:28am
    rengar is hands down not easy,but he is much either than other champ.i think u only need a few games to concentratge while playing on his mechanics and its gown to be muscle memory after for example using ur passive to kite camps, ganking,and lane ganking
    i advice u to watch a guide from a high level jungler the plays rengar and u are good to go.
    Siyou (7) | July 15, 2020 10:25pm
    If I had to say, I think most cats in League are tough felines and with each it feels like you're either good/great with them or you're not. Try Rengar out! He's probably the top cat of tough cats! I've seen people one trick him up to diamond (okay not seen but the word is out).
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