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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Roa vs Abyssal in difficult match-ups

Posted in General | Tags: Abyssal Scepter Rod of Ages Twisted Fate 7,056


    Roa vs Abyssal in difficult match-ups

    OK ive taken an interested in twisted fate and have been working on learning him I've heard that tf has quite a few hard match ups or people who are inexperienced (i.e me) have difficulty with (leblanc comes to mind) and i was wondering which item would better help me survive a lane against someone who has burst potential over me? Thanks 2 anyone who answers
  • Answers (2)

    Joxuu (336) | June 1, 2016 8:20am
    In hard match ups just get Abyssal Mask.
    Bogart_454 | June 1, 2016 5:01am
    It really depends on how outdamaged you are in your matchup. If your opponent extremely outdamages you even when it's still just the early game then I would suggest rushing Abyssal Mask; however, if you are only outdamaged by a tolerable amount in the early game and/or expect your opponent to really outdamage you mid to late game, then I would suggest going for Rod of Ages. Rod of Ages gives more survivability, not just against AP champs but also against AD champs since it gives flat out health, but it takes 10 minutes to fully stack so you wouldn't feel the survivability increase right away.
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