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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Tear of the goddess

Posted in Items | Tags: Muramana Seraph's Embrace 1,485

  • GarnetGaming

    Tear of the goddess

    Do the muramana and seraph's embrace keep the bonus mana or do they only give the 860 mana?
  • Answers (2)

    MHtrops34 | August 27, 2021 10:31am
    I remembered that these things worked in some blizzcrank runes that I used but I think that Bliz Eternal Shield no longer takes care of it.
    Katasandra (101) | August 3, 2021 10:37pm
    Manamune and Archangel's Staff both have 500 mana, and both of them gain an additional 360 mana when stacked. Once they transform into Muramana and Seraph's Embrace, they give 500 + 360 = 860 mana in total (of course, Seraph's Embrace gives even more mana due to its empyrean passive, but that's not what the question was about).

    So yes, Muramana and Seraph's Embrace keep the bonus mana. Therefore they end up giving you 860 mana in total (disregarding empyrean).
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