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League of Legends (LoL) Question: What does the Sett say?

Posted in Champions 5,116

  • OmegaDelta000

    What does the Sett say?

    Ok so this isn't that serious I'm just curious as to what Sett says when he uses E. Since I play in LAN, I hear the spanish interactions, but whenever I play in PBE I can recall 2 things. One of them is ''Face breaker!''. The other is... ''Prostate hands''
    I don't know okay? Don't judge me, I just hear it that way. That's why I want to know what he says please I need help.
  • Answers (5)

    SaltCat (19) | December 20, 2020 11:42am
    1.Play nice
    3.Bustin' heads
    Thats all
    paokgr (23) | December 21, 2020 4:58am
    you can search "sett quotes" and you will find everything he says
    ExplodionOfCharm (1) | December 20, 2020 11:40am
    Facebreaker is his E, so he actually says that.
    The other line I think it is "Catch these hands!"
    Harambe Homie (3) | December 31, 2020 10:54am
    Youre thinking of BUSTIN' HEADS hahahaha. "prostate hands"
    DARKSTARR | December 21, 2020 1:57pm
    He says "Facebreaker" and "Bustin' Heads"
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