League of Legends (LoL) Question: When will kindred be released? and is she/he/they good for mid lane?
Posted in Champions | Tags: Kindred 4,197
When will kindred be released? and is she/he/they good for mid lane?
I saw the new cinematic for kindred and i was like YES...YES...1 GAZILLION TIMES YESSSS!
and then i checked the Q&A for kindred someone asked: when they coming out for NA servers? then people are like Thursday or Friday and i was like YAY and then Thursday and Friday come. and still. nothing. but when they come out, can i mid lane? im not a very good adc...
and then i checked the Q&A for kindred someone asked: when they coming out for NA servers? then people are like Thursday or Friday and i was like YAY and then Thursday and Friday come. and still. nothing. but when they come out, can i mid lane? im not a very good adc...