League of Legends (LoL) Question: Why Is Annie Weak?
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Why Is Annie Weak?
I know that the META doesn't really favor annie, but i think she is still pretty good. First of all, she got a really nice last hit help with her Q. It really helps her when ahe is outpushed since she doesn'treally have a nice waveclear. Her, W, well, it has a pretty high damage. Her E helps her a lot against ADC and auto attacker. Her R just makes assassin want to avoid her for some times. Her passive gives a lot of teamfight presence and also enable her to survive from ganks. Her base damage and AP ratio is pretty high. Her auto attack range enable her to poke a bit, especially against Yasuo. Buying Zhonya will help her fighting against her worst enemies, assassin.I think she is a bit underrated for her power.
Really, I can't answer your question exactly because she isn't weak. People still do play her often. Heck, a challenger player called Annie Bot mains
Enjoyment is a big factor in whether or not people play a champion.
The other one is the mobility. She isn't a safe laner, and a ganking jungler makes... I won't go there out of her. Assassins such as
Take this with a grain of salt, but I can see
Check her winrate, she's insanely good unless she's against Syndra
But, imho, she's still really stronk. I spectated two matches in D1 where both of the Annies were fed and carried. So it's up to your skill in the end, and your matchups.