League of Legends (LoL) Question: why would I use overheal?
Posted in Runes | Tags: Miss Fortune 10,534
why would I use overheal?
So let's say I'm playing MF.Pretty much every rune build I see has overheal in it,but why would I choose overheal over triumph?While overheal gives you some bonus health before a fight,triumph can save your life or help you outplay your opponents if you are 1vs2+.So I don't really understand what's so great about overheal
Overheal is more consistent and effectively makes the ADC tankier. It also works well with sustain supports which is one of the main purposes of the rune.
If you're in the lower elos from say Iron > Plat (maybe even low Diamond) then you can pick Triumph, because the game will just be a clown fiesta with kills everywhere you can profit on. Overheal is a typical pick if you're a high rank or if you think that the game will have much less kills.