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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Xin Zhao builds

Posted in Items | Tags: Xin Zhao 5,182

  • Odronikufesin

    Xin Zhao builds

    Hi, my question is how to build Xin Zhao, i recently bought him and i didn't have much idea of the items that he needs. Wich stat he needs? AS and Crit? How I should start?

    Thanks for your help and sorry my english lol.

    I have checked the builds and guides about him but i want to hear your suggestions.
  • Answers (3)

    Pluckin Penguin (117) | January 9, 2013 2:49am
    Zephyr Youmuu's Ghostblade Wit's End Sunfire Aegis Trinity Force Guardian Angel Bloodthirster.

    The above are just some random items that are pretty good on Xin Zhao.

    Here is TiensiNoAkuma's stream. He mains Xin Zhao and Katarina. He typically goes for an early Youmuu's Ghostblade.
    Tim Depp | January 9, 2013 7:46am
    In any case, you will *definitely* want Zephyr. It's literally everything icon=xin zhao size=50Xin Zhao could need, which includes movement speed, attack speed, cooldown reduction, and tenacity. With it, get a little more attack speed and plenty of damage, and, of course armor pen if your targets build against you. Armor, health and/or magic resist from 1-3 items is also quite ideal. The build that Penguin suggests above is a strong framework, especially if you are new to Xin.
    Meiyjhe (539) | January 9, 2013 2:29am
    Well, there is a reason why there is a voting system on Mobafire :P

    So take the one with the most %, and if you don't like the guide, take second place.
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