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Botlane - Tier List Patch 12.3

VuKing's Tier List VuKing's Tier List
Last updated on February 3, 2022
108188 20
7 Votes


- The list is for reference only and does not reflect the actual strength when solo, sorry if your favorite champion does not appear in the list
- Champion Tier is calculated based on multiple in-game statistics in platinum + games. Refer to Professional Gamers playing games to update gameplay, construction, and changes for champions, thereby updating Tier. Such as pick/ban rate, win rate, gold earned, experience, cc score, KDA, damage taken/dleat, and etc.(for Solo/Duo Ranked only)

Guide Zeri
Guide Ashe
Guide Akshan
Guide Samira
Guide Kai'sa
Guide Tristana


Tier Description



Tier Description



Tier Description



Tier Description

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omar10034 | May 19, 2022 3:06pm
Zeri is nerf so we can't let her in tier 1 ?
Tolis slayer (19) | January 7, 2022 10:23am
hasnt kaisa recently been kind of bad? shouldnt she be a bit lower than s+ like a or something?
VuKing (5) | January 7, 2022 10:24pm
- In update 11.24 Kai'sa got a little boost if she goes in the direction of ability power
- 3 equipment Crown of the Shattered Queen + Nashor's Tooth + Muramana is the reason that brought her back
- At the beginning of the game, Kai'Sa needs to equip Manamune to upgrade his Q. After that, you need to increase attack speed and ability power when you gain Nashor's Tooth and Crown of the Shattered Queen to upgrade her W and E skills.
- Crown of the Shattered Queen is an indispensable equipment in the 3 faction items. With 75% damage reduction and 600 mana from Crown of the Shattered Queen interacts very well with Manamune. From here, Kai'Sa's survivability, attack speed, ability power, and skill damage increase will be increased.
- If your team lacks magic damage in the squad, then you can consider using this build. Kai'Sa is on the S-Tier list only when she gains magic power
N0C4P | January 3, 2022 7:20am
I believe this is mostly accurate, but shouldn't kai'sa be a little higher right now? I believe she can output lots of dmg in most games, but maybe this isn't reflected in her win rate at the moment... Anyway, great tier list! :)
VuKing (5) | January 3, 2022 8:41am
I only update the list when there is a new update from Riot, but if you want i will update as you like
- Kai'sa has been buffed recently and equipped with
+ Crown of the Shattered Queen
+ Nashor's Tooth
+ Muramana is making her come back, so I put her on the S tier list, thanks a lot for your input
N0C4P | January 3, 2022 8:50am
Thanks for replying, keep up the good work! The new build with Crown of the Shattered Queen seems to add the protection kai'sa lacked without really reducing her dmg output by a lot, which is nuts! :) Let's see how she performs in the following pacthes
Karinutsa (86) | December 20, 2021 3:27am
Quite accurate, nice job :)
VuKing (5) | December 20, 2021 8:29am
Your comments are my motivation to work, thanks a lot
Superwhitesuit | December 11, 2021 5:34pm
Tristana? S+ minimum
VuKing (5) | December 12, 2021 8:18am
Tristana's pick rate is currently close to 2%, which is a reflection of her current strength.
Sorry for not putting her on your wishlist
Alphaomegalogs (2) | December 10, 2021 10:44am
Just please add Kog'Maw
VuKing (5) | December 10, 2021 8:59pm
I've now put Kog'Maw on the B list, sorry if he's not in your desired rank
Alphaomegalogs (2) | December 13, 2021 8:11am
Thanks. B tier seems right for him in mid elo.
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Metallichydra (20) | September 14, 2021 4:06am
I just noticed that in your other tierlists, you have used tiers S+, S and A, but in this one there's also B. Why is that? (just curious, not that its bad or anything).
VuKing (5) | September 14, 2021 6:26am
You are a very wonderful person, you have to be very observant to realize such things. I love you so much <3
- I didn't want any players to see my favorite champion at tier B, C so I didn't rank them
- As for the botlane list, I play Adc a lot, more than other champions, so I broke the rules because of this list.
Alphaomegalogs (2) | January 7, 2022 12:09pm
In mid to high elo Kog'Maw is rated as an S tier by professionals taking into account ban rate, play rate, skill cap, countering, versatility, etc. ADD KOGGY to B tier. Sorry for being kind of sharp about it. Obviously I feel strongly about koggy.
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