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Omnistone Personal Tierlist Patch 10.21

Tauricus2017's Tier List Tauricus2017's Tier List
Last updated on October 16, 2020
11241 21
3 Votes
New Tier List


Welcome to Prototype: Omnistone tierlist,
Here you will learn which champions can get the most value out of it and which don't.

Note that this tierlist is 80% just mathematics. Every champions gets 1, 0.5 or 0 points for each rune that Omnistone offers depending on their synergy with that respective rune. (EX. Sona can do really well with Guardian = 1 point, she can do decently well with Arcane Comet = 0.5 point, she doesn't do well with Electrocute = 0 points)

OK SNYERGY = 0.5 point

At the end of point collection I give each champion +0, +1, +2 or +3 additional points, depending on how much each champion loses by not selecting a different keystone rune (EX. Kennen's main rune is out of his kit a little so he gets +3 points, Ezreal loses quite some DPS by not having Lethal Tempo but it still sin't that necessary rune so he gets +2 points, Malzahar's Arcane Comet is great for poking but it still is quite expensive to proc and his range is small so +1 point, Aatrox loses a LOT of DPS by not selecting Conqueror so he gets +0 points.)

This tierlist is also purely alphabetical, starting with Aatrox and ending with Zyra, new champions will be added alphabetically.

RESULT: Each champion can get from 0 to 17 points

As this tierlist will eventually be very long, there will be a lot of missteps from me. That's why I also post an exact reasoning behind my decisionmaking. If you think that some ranking was too low/too high, feel free to make a comment and I will recheck If I was mentally stable while writing this. Have a nice day and thank you for visiting :)


12.5+ POINTS



9.5 - 12 POINTS 



6.5 - 9 POINTS



3.5 - 6 POINTS



0 - 3 POINTS

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Bungee | January 25, 2021 10:26am
Hi! Thanks for the great idea! I have been constantly looking for where I can try to use Omnistone because it seems very interesting. Not sure if you are still working on this, but I would like to point out that a couple of Corki's zeros should be ones, Electrocute especially. I sometimes take Electrocute as the main keystone because it is very easy to proc with E - Gatling Gun, great for trades in lane. Later in the game, it adds burst when you need it. Grasp and Phase Rush could be at least 0.5 because sustain through laning and movement speed are great for Corki. All of the Precision runes should be considered for 1's in my opinion. You can get Conqueror charged real quick and, similar to Electrocute, I will sometimes take the other Precision runes depending on match-ups because they are all great on Corki.
JhonTDLemon900 | November 9, 2020 12:21am
at when for new champions' scores? <3
Doody_tco (26) | October 15, 2020 8:06pm
Hey!! That's an interesting method of creating tiers!!! It actually grabbed my attention more than the champions themselves.. That's really creative and smart! Maybe I'll do something similar just to see how it ends up with me...
Anyways, good luck :>
Tauricus2017 (120) | October 16, 2020 9:08am
Thnx man, I really appreciate it <3
paokgr (23) | September 6, 2020 6:26am
Hey nice idea. But how you put the bonus?
Tauricus2017 (120) | September 6, 2020 7:25am
I explained it in the describtion:

"At the end of point collection I give each champion +0, +1, +2 or +3 additional points, depending on how much each champion loses by not selecting a different keystone rune (EX. Kennen's main rune is out of his kit a little so he gets +3 points, Ezreal loses quite some DPS by not having Lethal Tempo but it still sin't that necessary rune so he gets +2 points, Malzahar's Arcane Comet is great for poking but it still is quite expensive to proc and his range is small so +1 point, Aatrox loses a LOT of DPS by not selecting Conqueror so he gets +0 points.)"

thnx btw <3
paokgr (23) | September 6, 2020 12:00pm
ok thank you!
SELORONIOS (118) | September 6, 2020 2:30am
Kayle seems to be a thing as well. She can use most runes very well. (many players already use all trees of ). plus, you forgot one of the most popular users... Twisted Fate. however as you said, this rune isn't really good. I don't think anybody wants to use a rune that changes constantly since it can have a bad synergy with their build and skill.
Tauricus2017 (120) | September 6, 2020 2:42am
Well I have stated in the tierlist describtion that:

"This tierlist is also purely alphabetical, starting with Aatrox and ending with Zyra, new champions will be added alphabetically."

Eventually I will sure get to Kayle and even Twisted Fate as well. I already think they deserve one of the highest ratings on this tierlist so it is just a matter of time for them to appear here :)
SELORONIOS (118) | September 6, 2020 4:10am
oh, okay. didn't saw that .-.
I've been testing recently and I really feel weird about it. It sometimes feels like not having the right thing at the right moment instead of the opposite. Heard that it has a smart system to help get the right runes dependent on situations but it really wasn't like that. I will continue testing it but I don't think I get to like that much. It will be probably removed like klepto.
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naveenrenold | August 23, 2020 6:51pm
You put 0.5 for predator Cassiopeia,is that because she wont get predator in the first place?
Tauricus2017 (120) | August 24, 2020 1:45am
You got me there XD
I completely forgot that she can't possibly get Predator at all. I will edit it in a minute

Thnx for your feedback <3
naveenrenold | August 24, 2020 3:44am
i dont know how omnistone works but if she never gets predator due to not having boots it should be good thing.
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