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Aharan's avatar


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Aharan's Mobafire Blog - Tag: updates

16 Jan
Not gonna make this snazzy, not gonna make this pomp.

I haven't written one of these things in a very long while, because more or less, I stopped browsing MOBAfire. I have never been one for forums (in my entire time here, I have posted only 165 times), and after a falling out with an incident occurring during 2012 and the inhouses, I slowly stopped coming to visit.

Along with that, League of Legends has been increasingly volatile to play. The current metagame is so whacked that any champion who slightly falls out of line gets destroyed, because the best of the best of the best of...
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01 Feb
Been awhile.
So yeah, I'm starting to play solo queue Ranked because of the introduction of the new League system. As of 2/1/2013, I placed in Lux's Exemplars, which is Silver Division Five. I'm chronicling my adventures into Ranked over at this thread, which is where I'll be archiving my daily games, with hopefully one game a day put on YouTube.
Also, if you like the music I listen to while playing (that is, if you watched any of the Ranked Climb...
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03 Sep
I am Darahas/Aharan, you are you, and what's this, a blog!?

So, for the past few months, I have been chugging out League of Legends videos at and doing a podcast with a friend for longer than a year now. But what does this mean for the 3v3 Garen guide? It means that it's indefinitely postponed. My computer simply does not have enough hard drive space to house a project like this and have it be of good quality. Will it happen? Eventually...but not now. Earliest estimate is early 2013, hopefully before May rolls around.

Also, as I have said, I am doing a...
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