TIME TO FINISH THE FACTS SERIES! On Wednesday I shall release my ~170 page long top facts guide =D. Also give me credit for this facts because I did it all via IPhone hue

Champion Overview:

Shyvana is a tanky-Dps champion who deals both physical and magical damage. Shyvana has no gap closer or CC aside from her ultimate. She brings VERY HIGH burst damage early and will scale into an unkillable raidboss monster late game. Shyvana does not use mana and instead uses a "rage" system starting at level 6 when she gets her ultimate. Her ultimate can only be used when she has a full rage bar and will morph her into a dragon gaining new effects on all her abilities (For the most part making them AoE.) 

Skills Overview:

(Passive) Fury of the Dragonborn- Shyvana's melee attacks enhance her abilities. Twin Bite - Reduces the cooldown by 0.5 seconds. Burnout - Extends the duration by 1 second to a maximum of 6 seconds. Flame Breath - Deals 15% of the ability's damage to debuffed targets. Dragon's Descent - Attacks generate 2 Fury and Shyvana passively gains Fury over time while in human form. 
Shyvana's  passive is just a big mouthful to say auto attacking while using your abilities will give them bonuses. That is not to say this is not an AMAZING passive, it is just to say its made to look complex even though it is really simple once you read it all  :P

Twin Bite- Shyvana strikes twice on her next attack. The second attack will deal 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100 % of her attack damage as physical damage. Both attacks trigger On-Hit effects and Fury of the Dragonborn effects. Dragon Form: Twin Bite cleaves all units in front of Shyvana. Each unit hit will be dealt on-hit effects and grant Fury twice.
Shyvana's Q ability is a double hit. It deals her damage 2x and as far as skulking wards and other things to that degree that factor in you hits it counts as 2. This skill resets your auto-attack timer, so autoing before using this skill is recommended as it will allow you to quickly burst off a pretty good amount of damage.
The dragon version of this skill makes your next auto swing in.a cone in front of your for AoE damage. This is useful for clearing the wave quickly OR being a threat to a clustered enemy team in a fight.
Note: If you see the enemy top laner come to lane with a ward, go into the area where you think he will lay it. 1 auto-Q will KILL his ward while it is still visable.

Burnout- During the next 3 seconds, Shyvana will deal 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (+0.2 per bonus attack damage) magic damage each second to nearby enemies and her movement speed will be greatly increased by 30 / 35 / 40 / 40 / 50 %. Shyvana's movement speed bonus itself will be reduced multiplicatively by 15% for every second that passes.  Dragon Form: Shyvana now scorches the earth where she walks, leaving a trail of fire for 5 seconds that will continually deal magic damage to enemies that pass over it.
Shyvana's W ability is an AoE circle of fire dealing magic damage BASED OFF YOUR AD. This is an insane skill as the damage is high, you are free to do whatever you want while it is going, AND you will be dealing a source of damage a lot of top laners are not prepared to take (BOTH TYPES HUE).  The dragon form of this scale essentially allows you to lay your fire in a singed style trail wherever you go while it is on. If you are being chased and are forced to ultimate away, use this skill and leave a trail of flame on the ground for some extra damage.

Flame Breath- Shyvana unleashes a fireball forward in a line that will hit the first enemy it hits, dealing 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+60% of ability power) magic damage to it and reducing their armor by 15% for 4 seconds.  Dragon Form: Flame Breath engulfs all units in a cone in front of Shyvana.
Shyvana's E ability is a skillshot that deals magic damage (does not scale off AD sadly) and shreds the targets armor. This ability will really just be used for last hitting from a distance, poking the enemy for 10 damage, and the Armor debuff when you go to attack them. The dragon form makes this ability  a skillshot cone that goes through targets applying the debuff to them all. 

Dragon's Descent- Passive: Shyvana reinforces her scales, increasing her armor and magic resistance by 10 / 15 / 20. These defensive bonuses are doubled while in Dragon Form.  Active: Shyvana transforms into a dragon and dashes to a target location. Enemies along her path take 200 / 300 / 400 (+70% of ability power) magic damage and are pushed toward her target location. Shyvanna must have a full fury bar to use this spell.  While in Dragon Form, Shyvana will lose 6 fury every second. Once her Fury bar is empty, she will return to her normal state.
Shyvana's R ability is her escape and light CC ability. It does a slight amount of magic damage (scaling off Ap :/)  The ability is useful for chasing,escaping, and fighting. The ultimate also PASSIVELY gives you a nice chunk of armor and Mr which gets boosted even further once in dragon form. This passive itself allows Shyvana to be very tanky and hard to kill from 6 onwards. The ultimate keeps her safe from ganks as well as allows her to cancel channeled abilities of needed (It also makes you a badass dragon, what is not cool about that?


Skill Order:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

(R to go in for kill)-W-E-auto-Q



Cho'Gath (More damage in a straight up fight, can bulky him out early.)

Fiora (For the most part you OUTDAMAGE her. Your W is really strong when vsing the damage outputs and your free armor also helps out alot.)

Darius (You have more damage output in close range then he does. You have your ultimate to escape if a fight starts going bad/gets ganked. He has nothing)

Hecarim (Your a dragon, he's just a freaking pony. You got this.)

Irelia (You to are the same general concept, the law for the most part will be pretty safe and in your favor)

Jarvan IV (He is stronger through level 5 at which point you should outdamage him)

Jax (You have more damage then him lower levels. As the lane scales on he gets the ability to win if you decide to fight him BUT not if you just push the lane over and over)

Poppy ( You have the power to deny her. You also become a late game monster as well)

Nasus (zone him from any creeps)

Riven (Same conceptual idea. You just do it slightly better vs her) 

Wukong (You burst to much for the monkey to handle)

Any ranged carry top (Get kited all day.)

Garen (Higher early burst damage. You do Outscale him though)

Kayle (Kites all day)

Nidalee (You actually win in a toe to tow fight vs her car form. The issue is if she just stays human all game. 

Singed (can't chase singed)

Olaf (True damage whenever you try anything)

Nunu & Willump ( Slowed, Slowed, Slowed -.-) 

Pantheon ( Spear spam. You won't get to even auto him till your 25% hp)

Playing AS/VS:

  • If you are laning vs a champion with poor clearing capabilities (and you are blue team) you can quickly push the lane and take their golems denying their jungler and giving you extra gold and xp income.
  • Tell your ally to pick a jungler with lockdown CC, as you can provide the damage. 
  • You innately bring no real CC to the table. The best way you can try and counter this is by building a Phage which will offer you the ability to lockdown targets with its slow effect.
  • Remember Shyvana does BOTH physical and magic damage. Hybrid runes are advised when fighting her. 
  • Shyvana can gap close a much longer distance then you can flash away. If you are low hp you may just want to bite the bullet and die to save your flash.
  • If you have any ranged poke it is advised you lower her with that before you even think of getting close.

Big Item Choices::

Heart of Gold- Good for providing a steady income as well as a decent source of hp

Trinity Force- Luxury item. Build this if you need to carry the team on your dragon back.

Frozen Mallet- Build this if you actually feel your team will contribute to fights and it is actually worth tanking for them.

Wriggle's Lantern-  (I despise this item, personal peeve) Build this if you are in a lane vs an AD where you just wan to play it safe and attempt to make it to late game.

Wit's End- Adds a nice amount of bonus damage to your Q combo. The MR is also very nice vs Ap heavy teams. 

Maw of Malmortius- Good If you are laning against an AP. the passive is nice web you dragon into there team.

Randuin's Omen- Builds off the GP from earlier and allows you to Stick to and be a big threat to AD carries.

Bloodthirster- Gives you a huge damage increase both physical and magical.

Atma's Impaler- Good to build of you needed a chain vest to survive the laning phase.



Shyvana is strong in soloQ as most players do not expect the burst she is capable of as well as how godly she can become late game.
Ranked 5s:

She's strong here if you are using her for invasion and her early strength in areas such as that (as seen by M5).

Pros and Cons:


-High Damage
-Strong at low levels and high levels
-No mana
-Hybrid damage


-Weak to kite
-No CC
-Her engage tool is her only escape if she uses it to go in she won't be using it to come back out.
-Hard to gank for (gives away ganks)


This is Top Facts Shyvana. Shyvana is a very fun champion, and before she became an Fotm I played her top ALOT (Was 6-1 in ranked until I tried using her to jungle). She is very fun and has a high carry potential if given the chance. As always summoners have a good day and good luck on the fields of justice!

SERIES UPDATE: Guide release will be WEDNESDAY =D