Champion Overview:

Quinn is an early game ranged carry champion. Quinn is a decently strong pick in the top lane due to her early damage, and range abilities as a top laner, as well as her mobility at level 6. Quinn as a top laner can be used if your team has a good frontline. Quinn has a strong ability to zone out most top laners early and try and snowball off the lane. Quinn also has an AMAZING kit when it comes to denying an enemy champion CS. With the combined use of denial and early strength Quinn can help put her team in the position to win the game.

Skills Overview:

(Passive) Harrier-Valor marks a nearby enemy with Vulnerability for 4.5 seconds. If Quinn attacks a vulnerable enemy, she deals 15 + (10 * level) + (50% bonus AD) bonus physical damage. This cannot occur again for 10 seconds, or 3 seconds if Quinn triggers the vulnerability. Valor will first prioritize Quinn's most recent attack target. If Quinn has not attacked anyone recently, Valor will target nearby low health units (prioritizing champions over minions).

Quinn's passive is a good source of poke and extra harass in the laning phase. Think of this as an Akali mark an autoattack will activate it dealing bonus damage. Valor will try and help you last hit although the AI system on Valor is kinda bad.

Blinding Assault- Quinn commands Valor to fly forwards in a line, stopping when he collides with an enemy. Valor then deals 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 65% bonus AD) (+ 50% of AP) physical damage and blinds nearby enemies for 1.5 seconds.
TAG TEAM: Valor deals 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 65% bonus AD) physical damage to all enemies in an area and blinds them for 1.5 seconds.

Quinn's first denial move. This move will push the lane, BUT the blind effect will prevent the enemy from CSing for 1.5 seconds unless they use skills. This skill if maxed will act as your primary means of waveclear and poke. In a duel this skill can be a lifesaver as it will give you some breathing room you need as a long ranged carry.

Heightened Senses- PASSIVE: Attacking a Vulnerable target will increase Quinn's attack speed by 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% and movement speed by 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 for 3 seconds. ACTIVE: Valor reveals the surrounding area for 2 seconds.
TAG TEAM: PASSIVE - Valor has 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80% bonus attack speed. ACTIVE: Valor reveals the surrounding area for 2 seconds.

This will primarily be used for the passive steroid as the movespeed and attack speed are both strong extra stats to get after procing a mark. The active on this ability can occasionally prove useful to check if the enemy jungler is in a brush.

Vault-ACTIVE: Quinn dashes to an enemy, dealing 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+ 20% bonus AD) physical damage and slowing the target's movement speed by 50%. This slow decays over 2 seconds. Upon reaching the target, she leaps off and lands near her maximum attack range away from the target. Valor will immediately mark this target as Vulnerable.
TAG TEAM: Valor dashes to an enemy, dealing 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+ 20% bonus AD) physical damage and slowing the target's movement speed by 70%. This slow decays over 2 seconds.

This skill is your other denial move. This skill is a small knockback as well as applying your passive. This skill is good harass on an enemy in lane if you use it to apply a new passive durectly after detonating your first one. This skill is the only big change with tagteam as it becomes a gapcloser as opposed to a duelist move.

Tag Team-Valor replaces Quinn on the battlefield as a mobile melee attacker for 20 seconds with an alternate set of abilities. Valor can move through units and gains 80 / 90 / 100% bonus movement speed that gradually decreases to 20 / 30 / 40% while in combat.
TAG TEAM Skystrike: Quinn returns to perform Skystrike, dealing physical damage to all enemies within range. The damage increases by 1% for every 1% of an enemy's missing health.
If Skystrike has not been cast during Tag Team, it will be cast automatically when Tag Team ends.

This skill is your Roam/Kill skill. This skill makes you close range, but in exchange gives you an AMAZING amount of roam potential and attack speed. This skill is not the best on a ranged carry champion. However due to Quinn's low range and this skill building her somewhat tanky is advised. The second part of this ability is an AoE execution move that turns you back into quinn.


Skill Order:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Standard Quinn
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

CS denial Quinn

(wait for passive proc on enemy)-Auto-E-Q-auto

Use R to go in for kill


Strong Vs

Quinn is strong vs low mobility champions who cannot reach her range, champions like Trundle who can be easily kited are weak against Quinn. Quinn is also strong against champions who rely on autos due to her blind.
Weak Vs

Champions who have a good amount of gapclosers and burst will cause Quinn alot of trouble in the top lane.

Playing AS/VS:

  • Use your Q and E to deny enemies CS in lane.
  • If an enemy starts pushing up use your W to check for nearby junglers.
  • Use valor for mobility if u think u can make it to the fight.
  • If she does not build tanky CC her and burst her down instantly.
  • Avoid Quinn while she has a mark on you in lane.
  • Do not be close enough to your minions so that a Quinn Q can blind you to deny CS.

Big Item Choices::

Blade of the Ruined King- Synergizes well with your ultimates AS. The active is good for going in for the kill.

Frozen Mallet- With proper Harrier procs and a frozen mallet you can kite pretty much any champion in the game with relative ease.

Infinity Edge- Gives you the damages

Phantom Dancer- More MS and damage

Randuin's Omen- Nice tanky stats and makes you strong against physical assailants.

Warmog's Armor- Makes you very hard to kill



Quinn is strong at catching and very mobile which can make her strong for SoloQs roam and early game playstyle.
Ranked 5s:

Quinn is not as strong in ranked teams where the teams are more coordinated and wont die as much to valor roam. Quinn can still be used very well in splitpush comps however.

Pros and Cons:


-Has a bird
-Strong at denying enemies
-Good early game
-Can scale well with a few damage items and can play like an ADC in a fight if needed.


-Low Range
-Ultimate makes you go into melee
-No heavy CC


Quinn is a top laner that is played as an ADC. She works alot like how the old bruiser teemo works. She can blind and splitpush very well and the only way she can truly be useful in teamfights is if she gets some tankyness. Overall though, she is a really fun champion with a unique playstyle and I would recommend anyone who likes her kit to try her out. As always summoners I hop you have a good day and good luck on the fields of justice.