These Blogs are back. Im going to be reworking my top guide over the summer into 2 seperate guides one for champs and one for mechanics. As such I will be blogging about champs again (pretty much the ones since I stopped blogging/reworks). I figured I would start with Sej since she just got reworked and Ive seen alot of potential with her.

Champion Overview:

Sejuani is an tank/AP bruiser type of champion. She excels at CCing foes as well as initiating fights. She also rides on a boar =3. In the top lane She has the ability to deal a decent amount of trade damage to the enemies. Sejuani will scale as a tank for your team with a good initiate from a long range while still being able to peel for your carry at the same time if needed. Sejuani is strongest against champions who are in close range and use physical attacks due to the nature of her kit.

Skills Overview:

Passive: Frost Armor- Damaging an enemy with an ability or basic attack grants Sejuani 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 bonus armor and reduces movement-slowing effects on Sejuani by 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 % for 2 seconds. Subsequent damage will increase the duration by 2 seconds up to a cap of ~8 seconds, where after damage will refresh the duration.

This passive allows Sejuani to force trades with melee champions and be able to disengage from fights with champions even if they have a slowing skill/effect (like a phage). The armor allows you to pick sej to fight vs an early kill potential AD champ (Like Riven) and still be able to come out of the early game at a decent pace.

Arctic Assault- Sejuani charges forward, knocking enemies into the air and dealing 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+40% of ability power) plus 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 % of the target's maximum health as magic damage (max 300 damage to monsters). This charge stops after knocking an enemy champion into the air.

This skill is your main harassment and initiation ability. In lane you will want to use this to jump in and start your combos. All your other skills will follow up from this dash. The skill is good for charging through the minions to leash for your jungler as it is a full knockup that deals % damage. This is your longest normal CD move, your trades should only be conducted when this skill is up. This skill will also act as your main escape, so be wary you are not getting ganked when you use this skill to harass.

Flail of the Northern Winds- Sejuani's next basic attack deals 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 (+30% of ability power) bonus magic damage to the target and enemies near it. She then swings her flail, dealing 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+ 16% of bonus health) (+60% of ability power) magic damage to nearby enemies over 4 seconds. If this ability is reactivated, Sejuani immediately starts swinging her flail.

This skill is your main consistent DPS move. The skill consists of an onhit effect followed by an AoE effect for a few seconds around Sejuani. This skill will allow you to trade pretty well vs most champions . This skill fits the current HP meta due to the fact it scales off HP as well. If the need should arise that you need the AoE but not the autoattack you may doubletap this skill to start the effect.

Permafrost- Passive: Sejuani's abilities and basic attacks apply Frost to enemies for 4 seconds. Active: All nearby enemies with Frost take 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+50% of ability power) magic damage and are slowed by 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 % for 2 / 2.25 / 2.5 / 2.75 / 3 seconds.

This skill will be your main CC, stick, and followup/disengage in lane. This skill makes any damage to the enemy you do apply a frost debuff. Activating this skill will "detonate" that debuff off of nearby enemies who have it dealing damage and slowing them. This skill can be used to a good effect in teamfights due to it being able to apply a good slow to a majority of the enemy team. Using this skill after either of your other 2 will give you a good amount of waveclear in lane.

Glacial Prison- Sejuani throws her frost-forged bola in a line. If the bola hits an enemy champion, it shatters, stunning the target and nearby enemies for 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 seconds. If the bola reaches its maximum range, it shatters and slows enemies by 90% instead. All enemies in the shatter area take 150 / 250 / 350 (+80% of ability power) magic damage.

Ranged AoE CC ult. This skill makes Sej really good in teamfights. If Sejuani is able to land a glacial prison and follow it up with a permafrost after the 2 second stun is over she will disable the enemies for a total of 5 seconds FROM RANGED. While all this is going on she can still be standing by her carries to peel. This ultimate allows sejuani to make plays and go for kills in lane and respond to jungle ganks fairly well.


Skill Order:

Standard Lane
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18





General Matchups:

Strong Vs

Sejuani is a strong pick against champions with little ranged poke, physical damage kits, and reliance on auto attacks. Sejuani's kit allows her to survive and in most cases trade pretty well against these kind of champions. Most of these champions have stronger early games so Sejuani will outscale them going into late game with her health scalings and AoE CC.

Weak Vs

Sejuani will have trouble top lane against longer ranged mobile champions who have disengage, champions who have poke, or champs with alot of sustain.

Gameplay Video

Playing AS/VS:

  • Remember to watch you Q it is both your engage and disengage.
  • Your R is a medium speed projectile with a long cooldown. Be sure to take your time and carefully aim before firing.
  • Gank mid lane if your enemy is playing safely or you have low kill potential on them.
  • Exploit her cooldowns and force trades as she tries to disengage
  • She has no escape once she Qs in ask your jungler for a gank.

Big Item Choices::

Liandry's Torment- Makes all your AoE slowing damage burn percentage damage out of the enemies HP.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter- Gives you more utility and synergizes with liandry's

Sunfire Aegis- Strong Item vs a physical attacker in lane that will allow you to win pretty much any trade.

Abyssal Mask- Enhances your damage and makes you tankier

Warmog's Armor-Enhances your damage and makes you ALOT tankier

Runic Bulwark-Helps your team out if no one else got one REALLY GOOD ITEM.

Shurelya's Battlesong-Helps you with initiating. Allows you to get a gp/5 in lane.



Sejuani is probably not the ideal carry for soloQ, but she can win games for your team if they are competent enough to follow up with the CC.
Ranked 5s:

Sejuani can really shine in an all in comp. Her CC will allow your team to pretty much win a fight before the enemy team can do any big retaliation if you did your combo right.

Pros and Cons:


-Good Trade
-On a Boar
-Nice amount of CC
-Good Pushing power
-Decent Escapes


-Force pushes when harassing
-No sustain
-No poke
-Low mobility without Q


Sejuani is a very fun champion especially post rework and I think she has potential to be a good top laner now. I will be resuming my top facts series on a ~biweekly basis. I will be removing the champions from my Complete guide soon and turning it into a guide on top lane champ mechanics so the lag wont be so bad. I WILL be making a second guide for the champions and updating everything for season 3.