The coding should work as soon as Kha'zix is added to moba database.
Making this to add to my complete top lane guide.

Champion Overview:

Kha'zix (who from this point on will be referred to as Kha) is a high sustained DPS Assassin. Kha is capable of doing decent damage very rapidly with his low cooldown Q making him a good duelist. He also have the option of poking enemies from a range with his skillshot W and being very mobile with his tristana-esq jump. To put the icing on the cake here he can go into a short burst of stealth. Up to 3 times when fully upgraded. While all of these qualities make him a good top laner his best quality is his ability to EVOLVE, at rank 6 Kha gains an evolution point which can be used to enhance his looks and abilities based on the situation. All of these traits come together make him a very adaptable strong top laner.

Skills Overview:

(Passive) Unseen Threat- When Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, he gains Unseen Threat. Unseen Threat causes his next basic attack against an enemy champion or Evolved Void Spike to deal 15 / 20 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 / 75 / 85 / 95 / 110 / 125 / 140 / 155 / 170 / 185 / 200 / 220 + (0.5 per ability power) bonus magic damage and slow by 35% for 2 seconds. Unseen Threat lasts until consumed, and is not lost if Kha'Zix becomes visible to the enemy team.
Kha's passive ability is a really good move for damage trades and holding an advantage once you get one. Your first hit after not being seen by enemies SLOWS and does bonus magic damage. The extra damage is really nice for a trade and the slow is really good to followup/back off after. Going somewhere where the enemy does not have sight will bring this passive up, making it nice for top lane as there are alot of brushes to hide in.

Q Taste Their Fear- (Passive): Kha'Zix marks enemies that are isolated from their allies.
(Active): Deals 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 (+1.6 per bonus attack damage) physical damage to a single target. Damage against isolated targets is significantly increased to 100 / 145 / 190 / 235 / 280 (+2.4 per bonus attack damage). When evolved this skill increases damage to isolated targets by 12% of their missing health (max 200 vs monsters). Cost: 25 Mana Cooldown: 3.5 seconds.
This skill is THE BEST DPS part of his kit imo, this skill will wreck an isolated enemy. This skill has a low cooldown as well as low mana costs, this skill allows you to get a decent damage advantage if you are able to zone the enemies from his minions.
Note: An enemy standing next to his tower is not isolated, do not bank for the isolated bonus damage for a kill if the enemy retreats there. The evolution of this skill overall just enhances your damage and ability to use it (As well as giving you Syther hands).

W Void Spike- Kha'Zix fires spikes that explode on contact, dealing 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235 (+0.9 per bonus attack damage) physical damage to all nearby enemies. Kha'Zix is healed by 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+0.5 per ability power) if he is within the explosion radius. When evolved causes Void Spike to fire three spikes in a cone. Void Spike will consume Unseen Threat to slow and damage all enemies struck. Cooldown: 8 seconds Range: 1000 Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 mana.
This skill is very good poke and sustain. This skill is essentially untapped until you evolve it making it shoot in a cone. The sustain at that point becomes REALLY GOOD and it allows you to use this skill to apply your passive AoE, making this skill have a slowing utility to it as well.

E Leap- Kha'Zix leaps to an area, dealing 65 / 100 / 135 / 170 / 205 (+0.8 per bonus attack damage physical damage to enemies in the area. When evolved Increases Leap's range and causes kills and assists to refresh Leap's cooldown. Cooldown: 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 seconds Range: 600 Cost: 50 Mana.
This skill is your free gap closer/escape move. It does decent damage but most of the time you will be using it for mobility. Upgrading it gives it about a 20% range increase on the jump and the ability to refresh on kills/assists which is always a fun thing to have for getting mutikills and making plays.
Note: You can use other skills while midjump.

R Void Assault- (passive) Each rank of Void Assault allows Kha'Zix to evolve one of his abilities, granting it an additional effect. (Active): Kha'Zix enters stealth for 1 second, gaining 40% bonus movement speed. Entering stealth grants Unseen Threat. Void Assault can be cast a second time within 10 seconds at no cost. When evolved Void Assault can be cast three times. Kha'Zix takes 40% reduced damage while in stealth. Cooldown: 100 / 90 / 80 seconds. Cost: 100 mana
I love/hate this ultimate so much. It feels so fun, while at the same time feeling bad. The main reason alot of people will have this feeling is the duration of his stealths are only 1 second, this skill will be mostly for escaping/close duels in lane and will see its main use come to play in teamfights to stealth in kill a carry and then stealth out. Evolving this skill gives you a cool color change as well as giving you another stealth proc and making your stealth reduce incoming damage by 40%, The main use of ranking the ultimate is if the enemy has an AoE comp OR if the enemy carry is to strong for you to kill in 1 ability rotation.


Skill Order Will Appear Once Kha is added to the database

Skill Order:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Standard assassin
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

W evo first: farm/poke lane
Evolution Order:

A Kha'Zix should ask himself these questions to choose his evolution.

  • Do I need more raw damage? If yes get Q evolution.

    This evolution is really good and almost necessary for you to do your duties as an assassin. Moar DPS!
  • Do I need ranged poke, better chase, or better sustain? If yes get W evolution.

    This ability is really good in a losing lane or just any old farm lane.
  • Do I need the ability to get in assassinate and get out? If yes E evolution.

    This is BY FAR, my favorite evolution. It adds so much to your mobility, gives you more AoE damage in teamfights, and lets you snowball a fight if your team gets the advantage.
  • Do I need the ability to stealth around the enemy team, wearing down my enemies as the fight goes on? If yes get R evolution.

    This evolution is nice vs AoE comps, or comps that are decently tanky, and wont be bursted down to fast. I normally will not get this evolution though.
    Note: It does have the coolest change in your looks.

Getting A 4th Evolution Point


E-Q-W-Q-(R can be used to chase enemies who run away)

Burst combo

Early game

Mid Game

E refresh

General Matchups:


Rengar (Avoid the brushes and you can outburst him.)

Singed (Make his early game hell. You have a slow to be able to stick on him)

Nasus (DEstroy him early game)

Akali (You can Q when she appears to hit you in her shroud. You can out trade her damage.

Teemo (Assassin>ranged)

Warwick (Max W and farm, out scale)

Lee Sin (Can stick to you and out damage you.)

Jayce (Kites you all day, has a knockback for your gap closer.)

Yorick (Who isn't yorick hard to?)

Renekton (His early game is very strong)

Darius (Get dunked.)

In Depth Matchups:

Kha'zix X/X
Spoiler: Click to view

Playing AS/VS:

  • In between last hits auto the enemy and go into the bush, This method of harassment will make use of your passive to add a good amount of free bonus damage to your trade in lane.
  • If you have your Wings evolution, always use your E on an enemy if you are guaranteed a kill or assist, this adds damage for no loss of CDs.
  • In a teamfight stay back until the initial enemy CC is blown.
  • Watch Kha'Zix's appearence to know his evolution's.
  • Do not let a kha get out of your sight if at all possible, this will refresh his passive.
  • A ward in the bush closest to kha will make optimal utilization of his passive very hard.

Big Item Choices::

Trinity Force- The stats are useful, the slow is almost guarenteed to apply during the time your passive slow is on an enemy, the MS is nice, and the sheen proc will keep activating after every Q or R.

Bloodthirster- <3 this item, good damage and sustain. I like to build 2 if possible.

Last Whisper- For when the enemies get armor.

Maw of Malmortius- Good for surviving AP burst and increasing your DPS

Youmuu's Ghostblade- If I bought a bruta in lane (LUXURY ITEM ONLY) then Ill get this.

Guardian Angel- If you get fed and can clean house easily, buy this. You will clean house 2x as hard and will be less appealing to focus.



Kha'Zix is like other assassins and if he gets a few kills can snowball the game very well and carry.
Ranked 5s:

Kha'Zix is not as good against organized teams as he is stomping soloQ, but he can still do his job. Use him in comps that have a hard initiation burst where he can clean up.

Pros and Cons:


-High Damage
-Good at roaming


-No hard CC.
-Relativity Squishy.
-Weaker early game.


I have been playing Kha'Zix extensively and will probably be releasing a guide for him after I get some more games in (After I get to say 20-30 games played). I hope you all enjoyed this facts on kha and go check out my full guide on top lane if you enjoyed it. I feel Kha is a good champ and will become popular soon. As always summoners Have Fun and Good Luck on the fields of Justice!