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Bioalchemist's avatar


Rank: User
Rep: Prominent (155)
Status: Offline
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Bioalchemist's Mobafire Blog

16 Dec

So I was thinking about Otto Heinrich: famous biochemist/physician/scientist/nobel prize winner who made significant advances in the field of oncology. I decided to look up a more thorough biography of him. I discovered a photo of him from 1966 in a laboratory in Berlin.

I am not sure how much any of you have spent in a chemical laboratory, but I can say that it is quite extraordinary that the scientists of the past were able to achieve solid understanding of numerous chemical/biological...
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17 Oct

Views: 1555 Improvement

Seen some significant improvement in my game lately in my main roles (Support and Jungle). The majority of the improvement originates from education/instruction and game observations/spectating (credit going to: C4 Lasty, H4xDefender, Rule18, Trick2g) as usual. This is of course due to my limited time to work on mechanics (I work full time, have a wife, and a dog).

Feel like I am playing at a silver level. Most of the time I play I queue up with silver elo friends...a few bronze. The bronze I play with feel like bronze players aka bad decision making...poor mechanics...etc. I can keep up...
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20 Jun

Views: 1032 Taking a Break

Hey All,

Will be taking an extended break from LoL and MOBAfire. Have a lot going on in my day to day life that needs to take priority over the MOBAfire community and gaming in general (which includes league). Feel free to hit me up in game if you are on NA server as I will appear on occasion, otherwise take it easy and enjoy life (sorry lagger one less down-voter for awhile, sorry searz one less off topic participant for awhile, sorry meiyjhe one less person to compliment your banana style).

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