I'm thinking of making some further changes to my guide. The first being moving Iceborn Gauntlet to an optional item, with the late-midgame section just listing "a source of CDR" (aka Glacial Shroud/ Kindlegem/ Fiendish Codex). Just a few questions:

For those of your who play support, for what % of a PvP game would you say that you carry BOTH a Sightstone and Sight Wards? I've occasionally done it, but I can sometimes get my mid or top to pick up wards (and Lee Sin jungler is delicious).

Should I include a wall-hopping ward guide as part of Advanced Support Tactics or just Warding in general? An example being the trick on purple side to get a ward in the river bush closest to lane without going into river.

If I remove Iceborn Gauntlet as a core item, should I also swap the Greater Quintessence of Gold with Health/Mana/Armor? I'm considering armor so that I can change the seals to mana regen seals, but skilled Blitzcrank players don't really need mana regen.

Considering taking Expanded Mind and Explorer out for Artificer , but there's only two active items in the build excluding optional items.

Also, should I just wait until S4 anyways, since that should come out, oh, November, I suppose?