Hello everybody!

Another week, another free rotation. This time quite a lot of champions I never played before, so I was eager to try them all. Despite the lack of time, I somehow managed. Here are the thoughts:


I really don't understand why people like to support with this champion. If you do so, it feels like wasting her potential. The only supportish thing you got, is your passive, combined with Summon: Tibbers. Laning phase is kinda boring. Despite the OP range of her AA, if you lane against someone like Soraka or Fiddlesticks, you are in trouble.

Late game is again boring - unless you have your stun, you are useless and since you don't want to kill people, you have to build tanky, and literally just running around, poking, getting your passive up.

Only way I see her working as a support, is 5 man team. Where you build her Ap and get some kills later on. Your only support things would be Sightstone and locket of iron solari, rest pure AP. It is not the best choice imho, but the only viable for me.

Sine she costs only 450 IP, I recommend to purchase this champion. She is fun to play and her joke about aminals is pure OPness.

I still think Thresh is much better support, but I had a blast with this champion. If you can land dem grabs, and have a decent player nearby, the enemy is going to die. His Q+R+E combo is making sure the enemy is staying there and getting burned down in seconds, before your silence or knock ups runs out.

In laning phase or during the dances he can be easily counterred by Morgana, but other than that, I understand why everybody in Bronze league ban Blitz. He is a dangerous machine. And a tank. He is definately worth the cost and down here, where players can't dodge or evade skillshots, definately banworthy as well.

Awesome midlaner. As I learned lately from my friend who plays her, she is quite skill capped (if you want to keep your passive active for most of the time), and with some spell vamp, she is a nightmare. Her cooldowns are insanely low, and she can melt down any weak member of the team in a second. Rightly timed ulti combined with a combo of all her other abilities is awesome. She got MS boost, poison, blindnes, slow, stun... why nobody plays her??? She got the OP in her name already. Why people don't see it?

But this is only for aggresively playing people. She has no escapes or shields, so you have to dominate, and not give the enemy a chance to come near by. But that will happen only if you are not careful enough.

Hybrid ADC, and fun to play. You can build him full AD or hybrid, and still deal huge amount of damage. His abilities are very good, and all together feels like - if the enemy is stupid enough to come close, he is going to DIE and can't do anything about it.

I didn't like this champion when my friend was playing him, and he kept saying how stupid and boring he is. I believed him, and since I never saw a good Corki, I was really not looking forward to play him. But I was wrong.

He is great, skillshot ulti has a big radius so it is hard to miss, abilities synergize together and feels right, and if I was an ADC player, I would seriously consider buying him.

Not for me. This champion needs lots of items to be good and his AA is a big issue, unless you can get some AS on him. With most of the ADC's - you just click on the enemy creep/champion, and your hero starts attacking. This mister, he waits some time before he shoots, which makes CSing very hard. In 3 games I was not able to CS properly, because of his terrible reaction time.

The thing I like about him, is the variety of builds you can use with this champion. You can aim for AD, AS, tankyness, or a hybrid build (in a way) and still do good (giving that you can CS and get some kills, so you can afford his equipment).

Overall, Lucian is not a bad champion, he is a frequent pick in pro plays as well, but he needs a cooperative team and skill. This being said, maybe he is not so viable for SoloQ. Unless you duo with a good support, and you communicate. Then he can make dem plays and be a beast.

What a stupid champion. Especially recently, as pros in LCS started to jungle him. Whole week was about Wukong jungle. Half of them were really bad, but since pros plays him in jungle, everybody did.

All in all this is another spin to win champion, that is easy to play and easy to win with. His downside is that everybody knows him, and knows his skills, but sometimes it can play to your advantage. Depends on the player. You can't deny his kill potential and high burst, as well as an ulti that can change the team fight into your favour. If you want an easy match, pick him.

I got mixed feelings about this doge. Last time he was free, I jungled him and the result was - not viable. Especially not nowadays, when they nerfed his Wither range and also range of abilites when you ult. Main problem is he is slow clearer and you can't stack his Q properly, so you cripple your team by not playing him to the max potential.

Top is the lane he belongs to. Soloing, farming, stacking, building tanky, and then, in late game, emerging from the AFK island to engage in 1v3, and ending up with the tripple kill. But before you get there, it is boring. I liked this "stack your Q" mini game for about 10 min, then I got bored. While team mates started to roam and have fun, I was locked to my lane, because - the more you stack your Q, the better you are in late game. So oyu don't want to lose any free CS. Your own mind game that plays against you.

This champion is very cheap, and I recommend him for players who like to be defensive, passive, and like to be safe for most of the time. With his tankyness, you can escape many bad situations, while laughing your arse off. But if you like some action, stay away form him.

CC monster. I did not like to jungle with him, as recent Mobility Boots rape-murder made him slower than ever (unless you want to waste your quint slots for MS runes, but that is still not enough). With my boots completed I got about 397 MS, while usually I get about 410 at least, on my champs. Also he is quite slow in everything he does.

But as a support he is great (if you don't mind him being melee), and since I have no top laner I would enjoy, I played him top in pvp against Renekton and Xin Zhao jungle. Don't know if they were so bad, or I was lucky, but they couldn't do anything to me. Anytime someone engaged, I just poped up my shield and run under the turret using /l command. They tower-dived me twice, with results of 2 Renekton deaths and one mine.

As a top laner/support, he is very much late game champion, as you get incredibly tanky and you are a great initiator, that can survive much. He is definately worth the cost and I am glad to have him at my disposal for some time.

What a dissapointment. I tried him in bot games and I was surprised with him. He is not that bad, actually! If you get over his orientation, he is kinda cool champion. His voice is very calm and peaceful, and his kit is great.

The problem is, he got the nerf stick stuck so deep in his ***, he is unplayable. PvP showed me that. His heal is a joke. Range increases with levels, so at the beginning if you are not close, you can't heal your mates (although the fact it heals you as well or heals for more if self-casted, is a great idea). Stun is great as well, his ulti is OK and that W with passive shield for everybody around, is also nice.

Another problem is - how do you build him? Because of mana isues, I started with Faerie Charm so I had no armor. His abilities scales with AP, but as well as with Armor and bonus Health. How do you build him? Too many reqs!! :(

I thought I found another support I could enjoy despite him being melee, but no. Not worth even the 1350 IP, unless he gets some trully, trully outrageous buffs. What a shame. Riot, give us back the gem kniget!

Didn't like him. He feels too squishy for top lane, and too boring for jungling. I had problems adjusting to his style of play, so definately not for me.

But I saw good Trundle players out there that could do miracles with him. His pillar is a situation changer, that AoE circle is good gap closer/maker... yes. Definately this champion has a great potential. You just can't play him as a troll :P

This is it for today, I'm already excited about W7 champions. So long, sumoners :)

Previous reviews:
Week 5 - Cho'Gath, Fiddlesticks, Graves, Irelia, Quinn, Shaco, Janna, Vladimir, Zed, Zyra
Week 4 - Kayle, Master Yi, Soraka, Warwick, Ezreal, Leona, Ziggs, Varus, Darius, Aatrox
Week 3 - Anivia, Karthus, Malphite, Sivir, Shen, Orianna, Draven, Kha'Zix, Elise, Nami
Week 2 - Ashe, Pantheon, Kennen, Xin Zhao, Sona, Nocturne, Fiora, Lulu, Jayce, Quinn