Awards Showcase
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Posted a Comment: Apr 13th, 2013
"Glad to see the improvements made as well as your schedule for future updates. I'm quite happy to say that I want to see this climbing the rankings, so have my up-vote."
Created a Thread In Community Games On: Apr 13th, 2013
Cake for all!
So, after tootling around for a bit, pretending to know what I'm on about (hint: I don't), I thought it was time for me to introduce myself! Hurraaaaaaaay!
So, I came to LoL after being...
Posted a Comment: Apr 12th, 2013
I'm not even going to bother try to narrow things down. There are just so many fun champ"
Posted a Comment: Apr 12th, 2013
"Glad to hear you've got the hang of Ahri, it's always a great feeling when you finally get to grips with a champion you want to learn. Personally, I've still yet to reach that point with her, my play is remarkably mediocre at best (and getting 100-0 by a lv2 Kha'zix while under my turret at "
Posted a Comment: Apr 11th, 2013
"More revealing Pantheon skin please. Ruthless is not skimpy enough, I want to crack skulls between his iron glutes.
Sorceress Edea Lissandra. Or Ultimecia.
Celtic Diana
Little Mermaid Nami (Ariel)
Gothic Elise. Some black lace would be nice.
Porcelain Orianna. Creepy dolls.
Cosmic Syndra, wi"
Posted a Comment: Apr 11th, 2013
Tired of having the top and bottom feed while I was busy playing the champions I was not quite ready to pubstomp on yet, so I picked LeBlanc. Firstly, lolISaidItFirstPick pitted me against a team with three stupidly tanky champions (although some would have been burstable if not "
Posted a Comment: Apr 11th, 2013
"I love playing different champions too much to ever truly have a main one, but Orianna has always felt really intuitive for me and her playstyle is incredibly fluid. I feel like I'm dancing when I play her. Now that I'm getting the hang of Syndra I find that she has a similar feel to Ori, bu"