hey guys just finish my guide for now on Miss Fortune on my page, go check it out here:
This is simple coding you can use on Mobfire when creating a guide or blog to give it a nice little look and can make it easier for the reader to understand, little things such as Morgana Nunu & Willump Master Yi are very simple and easy to do, when you want one implemented in to your paragraph or sentence you do the following:
  • type your sentence > asdcjsdnfcqia123sdca
  • then add the name of the champion > as ndfcoeacaiuvncaie123 Morgana
  • then put a and before and after so it should look like this
  • [.[Morgana].] without the full stops obv course then it should appear
  • asdfnhqswjnhcHE12342 Morgana when you save and publish it

This can be used for any Champion, Ability, Item, Rune, Mastery and Spell, heres a quick example:
Simples! if you want any more help PM me and also check out this guide, it gives you full instructions on all possible coding for guides and blog posts, including lists/bullet points, images & videos, colour text, URL Masking and more!

Heres the link
Jhoijhoi's coding guide

Thank you for reading my blog updating it every day or every 2 days =]