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MyBloodisBlack's Mobafire Blog

16 Aug
Hello, greetings and welcome to another one of my Awesome blogs

As some of you may know I am a support player, I love the support role because I feel its one of the most important and yet underrated positions in the game and is usually avoided due the reputation of other team mates being abusive and rude towards them.

I assure you this is not always the case and 9/10 if any person is negative towards the support you have a bunch of people on your team prepared to set the record straight and give their support to their support.

So I thought I would do a blog giving my personal...
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16 Aug
Everyone has been asked this before - Could League of Legends actually work as an Console game complete with controller and 99% of the time the answer given is a guaranteed NO but I want push this one further...Lets say that Riot turned around one day and said "We have decided to do a console version of League of Legends and we want you guys to help us make sure we bring the best product possible".

And theres no "If we don't answer they won't make it" - it is a case of "if no one speaks we make it anyways, the game sucks, it ruins League of Legends and it all...
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06 Aug
Greetings and Salutations everyone and welcome to my new blog

I would like to start off with a story,

Recently I played a ranked game and from the moment it started in the ban selection I wish I had hit close and left because I could tell that I was in a team that was destined to lose.

Firstly the "Team Captain" or first pick and the second pick got into a massive argument because first pick went with Tryndamere with Smite on so Second pick went with Cho'Gath assuming 1st was to be...
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31 Jul
Greetings and Saluations,

This is a blog I have been wanting to do for quite sometime because it's a subject that is rarely talk about in the community and that is those players who continuously brag about how many Pentakills they have gotten in their careers and make it out like they were sipping their tea, hit a button and boom...PENTAKILL (I am looking at you Karthus players right now).

Heres the deal, I am not a great player (shock) and in my 16 months in League of Legends I have record 1 pentakill...that is all...Just one single pentakill but you know what that Pentakill remains...
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29 Jul
Greetings and Salutations to you all,

I am sure that you guys are bored stiff of reading my negative blogs and forums, and I write this knowing that it will probably be my last because I am sure I will be banned from Mobafire for writing it but its something I want to cover and hopefully if it is my final piece that any issues that still reside between myself and the community will be laid to rest.

First off, I have absolutely no issue with anyone in the community, I do believe if people were not so judgmental about me that alot of us would have gotten on really well because at the...
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