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Napoleon D's avatar

Napoleon D

Rank: User
Rep: Notable (8)
Status: Offline
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Napoleon D's Mobafire Blog

19 Jan

Views: 951 "Napoleon"

Napoleon D was so sick of league of legends after he failed to get diamond ,so he stopped playing league of legends all together and instead went to the PvE chamber during this time Napoleon D realized there was an imposter using his name.
A Man in a Black coat Came to Napoleon D's house in the middle of the night and stole his masturbation material.

When Napoleon D woke up in the morning he found a note.


Hello "Napoleon D" Your attempt to change your name to "Napoleon" failed,
If you wish to...
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01 Jan

After messing with PL, DerpTrolling has been on a rampage ddosing everything he could. Derp recently followed someone named "Anonymous"(TheDrunk3nPanda) and Anonymous as been tweeting
"Greetings citizens of the world, our goal is to make "Riot Games" care more about EUW and EUNE Servers."
"Hello to everyone, be online in 8 hours from now. We will give 540.000 League of Legends accounts to our fans....
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07 Sep

I signed up for a lolpro tournament and i got eliminated the 2nd round QQ.
Its not that my opponent was good or anything (he got eliminated the next round)

It's that i built poorly for the situation.

I was playing Ad Orianna and after i got first blood on my opponent i got extremely over confident and went to build a Zhonya's Hourglass and Hextech Gunblade

My opponent was a jayce.

TLDR: i blew my shot at 200$
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