Awards Showcase
Record_UserAchievement Object
[record:protected] => Array
[user_achievement_id] => 52700
[user_id] => 77282
[achievement_id] => 70
[relation_type] => Build
[relation_id] => 446141
[display_order] => 1
[is_hidden] => 0
[create_ts] => 2016-01-25 18:30:40
[getcache:protected] =>
[cache:protected] => Array
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Posted a Comment: Mar 14th, 2013
"Yes, I got too caught up in the personal experience thing."
Posted a Comment: Mar 14th, 2013
"Diamond takes 1 point into Spirit Fire at level 1 just to st"
Posted a Comment: Mar 14th, 2013
"Just in case you don't realize why you've been down-voted. I think the main reason why people don't like your comment is the fact that you are relating this question to your personal experience. Just because Ryze is said to be good against Fizz does not mean that Ryze can't lose his lane"
Posted a Comment: Mar 14th, 2013
"Lux is definitely safe, thank you. Zyra seems pretty safe although I haven't played her for a while. Another one that I thought of was AP Nidalee. I say this because she has sustain, mobility (post 6), and long range poke. Her wave clear isn't very strong until level six."
Asked a Question: Mar 14th, 2013
Orianna: She has long-range spells, powerful auto-attacks (thanks to Clockwork Windup. She cannot be zoned easily, or ganked easily due to how far back she can farm with her Command:...
Posted a Comment: Mar 9th, 2013
"If LoL wasn't a team game then 1v1ing would be the thing to do, but LoL is a team game. Thus, I don't think there's a very accurate way to say that you are "better" than someone else."
Asked a Question: Mar 9th, 2013
Why is it so important for your friend to know that he's not as good as you?
Posted a Comment: Mar 8th, 2013
"A lot more detailed than my response. To the top you go."